
72 14 3

June 10th, 2016
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The sleek lines of Grant's car glided to a halt in front of an imposing building nestled amidst the bustling streets of Manhattan. A sophisticated aura enveloped the clinic, its polished exterior gleaming under the golden rays of the sun. Brandy's brow furrowed in confusion as she peered through the tinted windows, her eyes scanning the pristine facade with uncertainty.

Grant's hesitation was obvious, a subtle tension weaving through the air as he struggled to find the words to explain their unexpected destination. His fingers tapped nervously against the steering wheel, betraying his inner turmoil. Despite his composed exterior, a flicker of unease danced in his eyes, mirroring Brandy's own apprehension.

Her gaze flickered from the clinic to Grant, her curiosity piqued yet tempered by a sense of trepidation. She waited with bated breath, anticipating the revelation that lingered on the tip of his tongue.

"Why are we here?" she finally voiced, her tone laced with bewilderment.

Grant hesitated, his gaze latched on the steering wheel as if searching for the right words. "I... I think it's best if we get you checked," he finally admitted reluctantly.

"Checked? For what?" Brandy's brows furrowed, her mind racing with a myriad of possibilities.

"If we're going to continue... this," he gestured vaguely between them, "I need to make sure you're clean. Especially since Victoria... she's pregnant." His words loomed like a storm cloud in the air, laden with implications that neither dared to fully acknowledge.

Brandy found herself nodding in reluctant agreement. Her past as a sex worker and her murky sexual history made her no stranger to such scrutiny, yet it still stung to be viewed through that lens by someone she cared about. Nevertheless, she acquiesced, her resolve to prolong their affair outweighing any personal reservations.

"Okay," she said softly, somewhat resigned. "I'll do it."

Grant's expression softened with gratitude as he took her hand and gently squeezed it. "Thank you, Brandy. I know it's not the most comfortable thing to do, but it's important for both of us."

She managed a faint smile, though her thoughts were a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She couldn't deny the pang of hurt at the implication of being viewed as "dirty," but she also understood Grant's concern for both her well-being and that of his wife and unborn child.

Together, they stepped out of the car and made their way into the clinic, each lost in their own thoughts.

As they approached the reception desk, Brandy took in the pristine interior of the clinic. Its elegant décor and upscale ambiance hinted at exclusivity and expense. The muted colours and plush furnishings exuded an air of professionalism and comfort.

The receptionist, a poised woman with impeccable grooming, greeted them warmly. Grant took the lead, engaging in polite conversation as he provided the necessary information for Brandy's appointment. Meanwhile, Brandy's gaze wandered around the room, skimming the health information posters adorning the walls and the soft lighting that bathed the space in a warm glow.

After finalizing the details, the receptionist directed them to the waiting area, where plush chairs and coffee tables adorned with glossy magazines awaited them. Brandy sank into one of the chairs, feeling apprehensive and puzzled about what lay ahead. Grant sat beside her, offering a reassuring smile as they settled in to await their turn.

"You okay?" he asked softly, his eyes filled with concern.

Brandy forced a small smile. "Yeah, just a little anxious, I guess. I've never been to a place like this before."

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