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February 15th, 2016
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The morning sun filtered through the heavy curtains, casting a muted light over the room. Brandy stirred on the bed, her body enveloped by the sweat-soaked sheets. Her pale skin was flushed, and her once vibrant brown eyes were dull and bloodshot. Tremors wracked her fragile frame as she lay tangled in a web of addiction, fighting against the insidious grip of cocaine.

Brandy's body demanded the drug, every cell screaming for the euphoric release it once provided. A thin layer of perspiration coated her forehead, glistening like dewdrops on a petal. Beads of sweat traced down the sides of her face, her breathing shallow and rapid.

The room itself mirrored Brandy's state of disarray. Half-empty bottles of water, crumpled tissues with streaks of mascara, and discarded pill bottles littered the nightstand beside her bed.

Beside her on the edge of the bed, Teddy sat with a heavy heart. His hands trembled slightly as he reached out, instinctively wanting to provide comfort, yet unsure of how to alleviate her suffering. "I know this is a stupid question, but are you sure that there's nothing I can do?"

Her glazed eyes flickered in Teddy's direction, momentarily connecting with his gaze before drifting away. She struggled to find the words to respond, her vocal cords seemingly paralyzed by the pain coursing through her veins.

"I'll be okay, Teddy. I just have to get through this. If I can make it through a few more days..."

He shifted closer to her on the edge of the bed, his voice gentle yet infused with a hint of hesitation. "You're stronger than you know, and I'll be here every step of the way. We'll take it one day at a time, okay?"

She stretched her hand toward him, and he clasped it, stroking her knuckles with the pad of his thumb. "I'm sorry for being like this. We were supposed to go out today and I ruined our plans again."

"You're not ruining anything. I care about you, not just the plans we make. Your recovery is more important."

The corners of her lips twitched, the smallest glimmer of a smile threatening to emerge." I promise you, once I'm through this, we'll make up for lost time."

The lines of his worried expression softened as he tilted his head forward and kissed her lips tenderly.

Brandy's request broke the silence. "Do you have to go back to the front desk? Can you read to me? I like listening to your voice."

"I can stay." A subtle flush tinged Teddy's cheeks, a gentle blush that infused his face with warmth. "I actually only brought one book with me today. It's a collection of poetry. I'm not sure if it's something you'd be interested in."

"I'm okay with anything. I just want to listen to you."

A tender smile graced Teddy's lips, his apprehension melting away as he realized her genuine interest. He stood up and walked over to the single armchair in the room, retrieved the slim volume from his bag, its pages filled with verses that had spoken to his own soul, and returned to the bed.

"Here," she beckoned, shifting to make space for him. "Come lie down beside me."

Teddy's eyes lit up, anticipation dancing within them. He settled himself beside Brandy, their bodies aligning in a comfortable embrace. At his age, he had never found himself in such an intimate situation with a woman. His inexperience made him cautious, but as Brandy rested her head on his chest, her warmth seeping into his skin, a calmness settled over him.

"Hey, Teddy?"

"Hm?" He glanced down at her, surprised to find that her gleaming brown eyes were already focused on his face.

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