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November 20th, 2015
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"What are you thinking about?"

Grant was looking at her, but not at her, his blue eyes staring far off into a distant thought.

"Grant?" her soft but tired voice called, laced with remnants of sleep.

The gentle touch of her fingers on his bare chest brought him back to reality. He blinked a few times, then squinted as if he was trying to recognize the dainty face peering back at him, cloaked by confusion. "Sorry, I zoned out. What did you say?"

"I was asking if you'll be coming over to have dinner with me and my parents tomorrow. We're spending the weekend up in Hewlett Bay Park. You can stay the entire weekend if you'd like. It'll be fun."

"I can't, Tori. I have sessions to lead on Sunday." He tucked a curl that sprang out of place behind her ear. "I would have loved to, though."

Tori was better known as Victoria Flemming, daughter of the filthy rich tech-mogul, John Flemming. To Grant, however, she was a familiar figure, a long-time love that seemed to ebb and flow like the tides. But on the occasion that she graced the bustling city of New York with her presence, she made her way to his doorstep, seeking a night of thrilling adventure and unabashed pleasure.

Grant always awoke with remorse after their clandestine encounters, painfully aware that despite the undeniable attraction that existed between them, fate had conspired to keep them apart. For Grant, his demanding job was the primary obstacle, while Victoria's unyielding social status served as her own formidable barrier. She wanted to attend lavish parties and visit her parents' summer houses. He wanted to keep running sessions at the community center.

"No, you wouldn't," she said with resignation. "It's okay. You don't have to pretend like you want to have a stuffy dinner with my mom and dad."

Grant sat up on the bed, his fingers finding their way through his dishevelled hair, and he offered Victoria an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I'll go next time, I promise," he said, hoping to appease her.

However, Victoria remained unchanged in her demeanour. Her upbringing had made her accustomed to getting what she wanted, and she saw no reason to behave any differently with him. She propped herself up on the bed, her eyes narrowing in frustration. "You always say that, Grant. And yet, you never make the time for me. You're always so focused on your work and your precious job that you forget about me."

Grant sighed, running a hand through his hair once more. "It's not that I forget about you, Tori. You know how important my job is to me. But I promise, next time you're in town, we'll spend more time together."

She rolled her eyes. "Actions speak louder than words, you know. Maybe it's time for us to have a serious talk about where this is going."

A knot formed in his stomach at her words. He knew that he cared for Victoria, but the thought of committing to a serious relationship was daunting. He couldn't help but wonder if they were truly meant to be together, or if they were just two people who enjoyed each other's company when it was convenient.

Victoria sat up gracefully, the sheets falling away to reveal her stunning figure. Grant couldn't help but admire the way the sunlight played across her smooth, dark skin and the way her curly black hair framed her heart-shaped face. She was just so illogically pretty. And perhaps it was because she looked so artificial that he thought her beauty to be illogical. She stood up, stretched her long, lithe frame, and began gathering her clothes from the floor.

He watched her, feeling guilty for upsetting her, but unable to resist the allure of her beauty even in this moment of tension. "Where are you going?"


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