
197 21 5

November 28th, 2015
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Keith had just stepped foot inside his apartment when his phone pinged in his pocket. His mother had been pestering him for days, demanding updates on his progress in finding a lawyer and initiating the legal process to obtain sole custody of River. Weary from a long shift at the precinct, Keith was reluctant to check yet another message from her, but he took out his phone and unlocked it as he shut the door and set down his bag. He was surprised to see a message from an unknown number.

He unlocked the phone and opened the message, his boredom withering into bitterness as he read each word.

Keith, it's Brandy. I'm using Grant's phone to send this message. I was wondering if you wanted to meet. I think there's a lot we have to talk about, so if you're up for it, text me back at this number. I know I hurt you, but I really want to see you. I miss you. And I love you. I'm sorry.

Now she wanted to talk? How could she think that she was allowed to toy with him like this? He had been nothing but fucking considerate of her and her feelings. He gave up his life for her, his dreams, his ambitions, and settled for a soulless job as a cop. All because of her. Because he had to think on his feet and provide a stable income and a stable home life. And how did she always repay him? By fleeing.

He couldn't understand why she couldn't appreciate his efforts and sacrifices. Was it all for nothing? And his mother, who had always been suspicious of her, seemed to be proven right. She always ran away at the first sign of trouble.

But he was done with it. He had had enough. It was time for him to take control and establish some boundaries. He couldn't keep giving and giving without anything in return.

He hastily replied to the message.

Sure, we can meet. Why don't you come over tomorrow? We'll talk at home. And don't bring Grant with you. This should be between us.

Her reply was instantaneous.

Okay. See you tomorrow. I won't bring him.

He was about to put the phone back in his pocket when it started to ring, and it was his mother. With a muttered curse, he answered her call and brought the phone to his ear, barking out a very hostile "What?"

"Keith, where have you been? I've been trying to reach you for days," his mother's voice crackled through the phone.

Rolling his eyes, Keith made his way to the couch and slumped down, already knowing where the conversation was headed. "I've been busy."

"I took River to the pediatrician today. He's not hitting his milestones like he should be. He's barely speaking, and he seems to be in his own world most of the time. She agreed to refer us to a specialist for his developmental screening next week."

He wasn't ready to face his son, not after everything that had happened. "And what does that have to do with me?"

His mother's tone turned pleading, and he could practically see the desperation in her eyes. "I was hoping you'd come with me. You might not want to be around River, but he's still your son, Keith."

He didn't want to deal with any of this, but he knew deep down that he couldn't avoid it forever. "Fine. I'll come. Will you stop nagging me now?"

She ignored his snide tone and asked, "Have you found Brandy?"

"We're meeting tomorrow. She texted me."

"Why can't you find someone better, someone who will actually appreciate you and your sacrifice?"

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