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December 26th, 2015
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The airport terminal buzzed with a flurry of activity as travellers scurried past, their eyes focused on departure boards and their hands clutching passports and boarding passes. Amidst the organized chaos, Grant and Veronica stood near the entrance, their luggage in tow, ready to embark on their long-awaited honeymoon to Menorca, Spain.

It was a trip her parents had sponsored, even though Grant insisted that he could cover the expenses. He didn't want her parents' financial support, seeing it as a way for them to shackle him in debt. The less he owed them, the better. 

Angela embraced Victoria tightly before doing the same to Grant. "Take care of each other, my dears. Look out for one another and make beautiful memories. Your honeymoon is a special time, so savour every moment."

Victoria laughed gently, glancing up at her husband, and squeezed his arm affectionately. "We're not gone forever, Mom. We'll only be in Spain for two weeks."

"I know, I know," she said, sniffling. "But you're all grown up now. I can't believe that you're married, Tori."

John went in for a hug too, kissing his daughter on the cheek before pulling away. To Grant, he extended his hand, a gesture of acceptance and trust. "Take good care of my daughter, Grant. She means the world to me."

"Yes, sir, I will." It was a silent understanding, a recognition of the trust they had placed in each other's hands.

As the boarding announcement blared through the terminal, signalling the imminent departure, Victoria and Grant exchanged one last heartfelt look. They said their final goodbyes to John and Angela, promising to have a joyful and romantic honeymoon, and proceeded to their gate. It was still hard for Grant to wrap his head around the fact that he was a married man, a married man about to embark on a honeymoon with his wife. 

Grant's gaze never wavered from Victoria, his eyes drinking in the radiance of her presence even in her black leggings, oversized hoodie, and trainers. He admired her beauty, both inside and out, and he felt a surge of gratitude for her. But he wasn't without his anxiousness. Two weeks alone in Spain sounded like a marvellous time, but as he pondered upon what they would be doing in Spain... he swallowed roughly. 

What if I get her pregnant? He wasn't opposed to children, but Victoria was the type to rush things, and rushing into parenthood wasn't something he planned on doing.

They handed their boarding passes to the cheerful airline attendant, their passports ready for inspection. With every step down the jet bridge, their hearts swelled with a mix of nerves and exhilaration. They exchanged glances and smiled. As they stepped onto the plane, they were greeted by the warm smiles of the flight attendants, who directed them to their seats in first class. The spacious seating arrangement, adorned with plush leather upholstery, provided ample room for relaxation. Each seat was equipped with an array of amenities, including a personal entertainment system, a fold-out table for dining, and a dedicated storage compartment for personal belongings.

Grant and Victoria took their seats beside one another after stowing away their carryons, with Victoria eagerly claiming the window seat. 

"This is so exciting!" she beamed, oozing raw excitement from every facet. "Two weeks in Spain. It's gonna be so romantic."

Grant returned her smile, but his enthusiasm wasn't as fierce. "Can't wait, baby. Your dad was really generous. I can't believe he paid for all of this."

She nodded her head and kissed his cheek. "He wanted to help you out. Travelling is expensive and after the whole wedding ordeal with the finances... I asked him to cover this."

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