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April 18th, 2016
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Grant knelt on the bedroom floor, a mass of crib parts scattered around him like a miniature construction site. He was determined to put this crib together, come what may.

Victoria, on the other hand, was perched on the rocking chair with her cell phone clamped to her ear, her animated conversation with her mother spilling into the room. As Grant wrestled with the crib's assembly instructions, his gaze occasionally shifted to her.

"The nursery is coming together, and Grant is doing his best with the crib, even though he'd rather be doing something else."

He clenched his jaw and stole a quick glance at Victoria, raising his eyebrows in silent protest. He was attempting to connect a side panel, and her comment wasn't helping the already challenging process.

Victoria's mother's laughter filtered through the phone. "Well, he better get used to it. Parenthood is just around the corner."

He muttered under his breath, thinking she wouldn't hear, but he underestimated her phone's sensitivity.

"Yeah, Mom," she said, "he's feeling the pressure. I think this crib is getting the better of him."

He couldn't help himself this time. He put down a screwdriver, looked at Victoria, and snapped, "Pressure? Yeah, that's one way to put it."

She continued speaking to her mother. "Oh, you know how men are. They like to pretend they've got it all under control, but deep down, they're just as lost as we are."

Grant shook his head, fuming internally. Everything was starting to get to him—the nursery, his wife, the baby, and Brandy. It was bad enough that he wasn't prepared to be a father, but it felt like Victoria was constantly rushing him.

His wife finished her call and hung up, her cheerful demeanour somewhat diminished. She turned her attention back to Grant, who was still working on the crib.

"Why are you in such a bad mood today?" she asked, getting up from the rocking chair.

He was resisting the urge to vent his frustrations on her. "I'm not in a bad mood. I just need some space."

She crossed her arms, clearly irritated. "You've been saying that for weeks now. I'm just trying to involve you in the baby's preparations, but you act like it's a burden."

Grant slammed his screwdriver down on the crib, his voice edged with exasperation. "It is a burden, Victoria! I'm not ready for this, and you're pushing me too hard."

She retorted, albeit perplexed by his outburst. "You're not the only one who's scared. But this baby is coming, ready or not. We have to prepare, Grant."

He was grappling with the realization that he had been catapulted into fatherhood prematurely, while Victoria was struggling to understand the changes in her husband. It seemed like their dreams had been shattered, and they were coping with the reality of a life neither of them had fully chosen.

"There's a lot on my plate." He knew that Brandy's unexpected return had thrown him off balance, and he was not ready to admit it. "It's going to take time."

"You keep saying that!" She threw her arms up in anger. "Time, time, time! We're married, Grant! Married! But you keep acting as if I was the one who forced you to—"

"You might as well have!" he shouted, getting up from the floor. "I wasn't ready but you kept insisting—"

"Oh, please. Spare me. You didn't have to propose, but you did."

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