
111 13 5

April 22nd, 2016
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Brandy rapped her knuckles against Ace's front door, and it swung open soon after. Without waiting for an invitation, she marched past him and into the room. Ace removed the cigarette from his mouth, his brows knitting together in confusion as a cloud of smoke trailed behind him. "What's going on, Brandy?"

She was seething-pissed at Grant, Victoria, and the entire world. There was a part of her that simmered with anger toward Ace too, but when she looked into his eyes, she caught a glimpse of worry and care. A fraction of her fury dissipated; he was the only person in this city who truly loved her.

"Can't I just drop by for a visit?" she shot back, making her way to the couch. Her gaze fell upon the small sieve and the white powder on the coffee table. Her nose tingled.

"I know you, baby. You only show up when things are rough," he remarked, nestling the cigarette between his lips before settling beside her on the couch, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Need me to fuck you or give you some blow?"

"None of that," she replied.

He glanced at her attire, taking in the outfit and heels. "What's with the getup?"

"What's wrong with it?" She instinctively adjusted the hem of her dress, suddenly realizing its revealing nature.

"Dressed like you're a slut," Ace remarked, withdrawing his arm from around her. Leaning forward, he extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray. "Back to fucking sleazebags for cash?"

"Don't call me a slut." It was a word that Keith had wielded often to tear down her self-worth. If there was one term she despised, it was that. Slut.

Ace, unaware of this history, merely dismissed her with a quick roll of his eyes. "That's how it comes off."

"Stop it. Okay? Seriously. I hate that. I'm not a slut."

She shifted away on the couch, attempting to create distance, but to her dismay, he followed. "Okay, my bad. I shouldn't have said that," he apologized, his right hand moving to her cheek, turning her face toward him. "What's going on, Brandy?"

She could have recounted the events at the club and what unfolded in the alley, but it all felt inconsequential. She'd chosen to venture out with a stranger, reaping the consequences of her actions. Truthfully, she longed to erase those memories and move forward.

"Not much," she said after a few moments, tilting her head to steal a gentle kiss from his warm lips. Pulling back, she continued, "Actually, I might take you up on your offer. Could use a bit of blow."

A small smile crept across Ace's face. "Ah, so you didn't drop by just to see me. Always in need of something, aren't you, Brandy?"

"Yeah," she leaned in for another brief kiss, "you."

His hand dropped from her face, and he reclined on the couch, crossing his arms. "Both sex and coke? Today?"

"Or just one." Brandy kicked off her heels and settled onto his lap, her short dress riding up higher. Perhaps she was what they called her, what Keith had accused her of being all along. But did it truly matter? Would admitting it or denying it alter the outcome of what was to come? Would it have changed anything back then? "Preferably the latter. Please, Ace."

A smirk flourished across his face as he unfolded his arms, wrapping them around her waist instead. "Someone upset you today?"


His smirk disappeared, and in its place was an expression of disbelief and genuine concern. "I know I'm not the one who should be telling you what's wrong and what's right, but using sex and coke to forget about your problems isn't the way to go, baby."

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