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May 31th, 2016
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Her encounters with Ace dwindled to icy silence, a deliberate and calculated distance she maintained, avoiding any form of communication or interaction. Instead, she gravitated towards Grant more frequently, their meet-ups becoming a regular occurrence where she poured out her frustrations and grievances.

While finding comfort in venting to Grant proved beneficial, Brandy grappled with the absence of Ace. He had been a constant during her breakup with Keith and had stood by her during River's death. As much as she tried to deny it, she couldn't dismiss his significance in her life. He held a vital place in her heart, a truth she struggled to acknowledge despite the hurt he caused.

After their customary meeting at the café, Grant offered Brandy a ride home. They strolled towards his car when she hesitated, her gaze falling to the ground.

Grant noticed her unease. "Everything alright?" he asked.

Brandy sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I don't want to go home to Ace," she confessed, the words slipping out almost reluctantly.

He paused, leaning against the car. "You don't have to if you don't want to. Want to grab a bite to eat or take a drive somewhere?"

She looked at him, gratitude and uncertainty mingling in her eyes. "I don't know. I just... I don't want to deal with it tonight."

"That's alright. We can figure it out together. Come on, let's take a drive. Clear your mind a bit."

As they settled into the car, Grant fastened his seatbelt securely, and Brandy mirrored his actions, clicking her seatbelt into place. The car smoothly departed from the cafe, but she felt a reluctance to simply drive aimlessly. A hidden desire stirred within her, yearning to prolong the time spent with Grant. However, she was aware of the selfishness of that desire, knowing Victoria awaited Grant's return home.

Observing the shift in her mood, he glanced at her and asked, "Everything okay?"

"No, not really."

"Want to talk about it?" 

She shook her head, guilty that she wanted him all to herself.

Looking at Grant from the corner of her eye, Brandy couldn't help but notice his striking features. She acknowledged Victoria's fortune in having him. A fleeting wish passed through her, an unspoken desire to have something akin to what Victoria possessed.

At a pause during a red light, she gently patted his arm, catching his attention. With a quiet tone, she cautiously inquired, "Hey, can we... go somewhere else? Spend a bit more time together?"

Grant met her gaze, conflicted. "Brandy, you know Victoria's waiting for me at home."

Her expression pleaded silently, her eyes searching his for a sign of acquiescence. "Please, just a little while longer. I need this."

He was clearly torn between obligation and empathy. He cared for her, he wanted to help her, but he had a wife. "I don't know. Victoria's expecting me."

"Please." She took his right hand in her own. She knew going home meant seeing Ace and having to confront him, and it was the last thing she wanted.

After a moment of contemplation, he let out a resigned sigh. "Alright, but not for too long. I'll figure something out with Victoria."

Grant continued driving for a while until he guided the car into a motel parking lot. Brandy, albeit puzzled by their arrival at this unexpected place, appreciated his decision to prioritize her over his obligations to Victoria. A sense of triumph enveloped her, relishing the fact that he had chosen to be with her in that moment as opposed to his wife. They both exited the car after he parked it, making their way towards the rental office. 

This place reminded her a bit of Teddy, but she pushed thoughts of him aside.

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