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February 13th, 2016
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"Going out again?" Teddy asked.

Brandy shifted nervously under his gaze and smiled apologetically. "Yeah... I still need to make money. But I won't do any drugs tonight."

He bookmarked the page he was reading and closed his book, setting it down on the desk. He smiled, almost like he couldn't believe she had fallen back into her old routine a day after being released from the hospital, but he couldn't stop her. She was her own person.

"Okay but be careful. And don't push yourself too hard, Brandy. You just got out of the hospital yesterday."

"I know," she said, lowering her eyes to the floor. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize to me. It's your life. You know what's best for you."

She managed a stiff nod and smiled again. "I'll see you soon then, Teddy. And I still remember our plans for tomorrow... Valentine's Day."

A blush spread across his pale cheeks as he picked up his book and opened up the pages, peering at her over the edge. "Uh, yeah. I remember too..."

She leaned over the edge of the desk and left a soft peck on his cheek, pulling away with a grin. "Awesome! Okay, I gotta get going. But I'll be back!"

Before he could get a word in and offer to give her a ride to the club, she hurried out of the motel entrance, leaving him both flustered and stunned. He settled back into his seat and flipped through the pages of his novel, giddy about the day they had planned for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Brandy had beckoned a taxi just down the block and climbed inside. The driver asked for the address of her destination, which she gave him, staring out the window as the city passed her by. Outside the taxi window, towering billboards stood like sentinels, their illuminated displays heralding the approach of Valentine's Day. Hearts entwined with ribbons, roses bursting with crimson passion, and couples locked in tender embraces adorned each advertisement, casting a romantic spell upon the cityscape. Brandy's eyes, filled with playful mischief, flitted from one display to another, her grin widening with each passing moment. She couldn't wait to spend an entire day with Teddy tomorrow, just them in their own bubble.

It took twenty minutes to arrive at the club, and when she did, she paid the driver and stepped out. She spent a minute or two staring at the neon sign before walking up to the bouncer, who knew her well by now, and let her in.

As Brandy stepped through the doors of the club, a wave of vibrant energy engulfed her senses. The air was thick with a heady mix of pulsating beats and smoky incense, intertwining to create an atmosphere both sultry and intoxicating. Strobe lights danced across the dimly lit space, casting ephemeral flashes of colour that illuminated the dance floor like fireworks in the night sky.

Brandy approached the bar with a confident stride, her eyes scanning the crowd for a potential benefactor. The bar was a haven of activity, with bartenders expertly juggling bottles, mixing concoctions, and serving patrons with flair. She ordered a round of tequila shots and waited for the bartender to serve her. While she waited, she looked around. Some engaged in animated conversations, their gestures accentuated by the clinking of glasses, while others swayed to the music, losing themselves in the rhythm.

Soon after, she was served her drinks and eagerly drank one shot right off the bat. There was no buzz yet, so she drank another. And another. She finished the entire round in ten minutes and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"You really know how to hold down your alcohol," a familiar voice whispered into her ear.

She hesitated, not daring to turn around, the anticipation hanging in the air like a charged current. She could feel his hands, warm and possessive, gently gripping her hips, pulling her back against his solid chest. It was undeniable, and as his face drew closer to hers, she could sense the familiar presence of Ace Hernandez.

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