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February 27th, 2016
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"This is everything on him, chief. I gathered all the info. He doesn't suspect anything, so we can catch him unawares if we move tonight."

All Keith needed was the go-ahead from the chief to bring Ace down. He was tired of keeping quiet and walking on eggshells around him, and it was about time he paid the fucker back for sleeping with his ex-girlfriend. 

"You fucked up the last time, Alvarez," Chief noted, leaning back in his chair. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because..." He searched for the right words, thinking of ways not to implicate himself. "I know that area well. I got intel. And some of my moles dropped a couple hints about him."

Chief narrowed his eyes, studying Keith's face for any signs of deception. The room was barely lit, with a single lamp casting shadows across the furniture. Tension hung in the air, and the ticking of an old clock on the wall seemed to amplify the silence.

"You expect me to risk my neck and my team based on your 'intel' and some hints from your moles?" His voice was stern, and he leaned forward, resting his hands on the desk. "You're playing a dangerous game, Alvarez."

Keith swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he had to tread carefully if he wanted Chief's trust. "Look, I know I screwed up before, but I've learned my lesson. This time, I've got it all planned out. Ace won't even see it coming."

Chief leaned back again, contemplating Keith's words. He had known him for years, but this was a high-stakes operation, and he couldn't afford to let emotions cloud his judgment. The thought of bringing down Ace, a notorious criminal in the area with a cunning mind, had always been in the back of his mind, but the risks were immense.

"Ace has been a thorn in our side for far too long. If you're playing us, you'll wish you never crossed this line. I want assurance, and I want details."

Keith nodded eagerly. "I can give you the blueprints, the patterns of his movements, and the weaknesses of his crew. I've been watching him for months, Chief. He won't know what hit him. We can storm his place right now, even."

The chief considered the proposition, rubbing his temples as he weighed the risks against the potential rewards. The desire for vengeance was a powerful motivator, but it had to be balanced with reason and strategy.

"If we're doing this," Chief warned, "it'll be by the book. No shortcuts, no slip-ups. We take him down clean and with evidence to put him away for good." 

"You have my word. I'll make sure everything goes according to plan."

"Alright, Alvarez. You have the green light. But remember, if anything goes wrong..."

"I know," Keith interrupted, his voice resolute. "I won't let anything go wrong."

As Keith stepped out of the office, a determined look was etched across his face. This was the chance he'd been waiting for – the perfect moment to bring down Ace and finally settle the score for what he did with Brandy. The satisfaction of vengeance pulsed through his veins, but he knew he couldn't celebrate just yet.

As for Brandy, he knew that dealing with her situation would require a different approach – he had to get her new boy toy out of the picture before he struck, and he knew just how to do it.

* * *

Brandy stood anxiously in the bustling police station, her hands trembling as she surveyed the area. She had come here seeking help, hoping to file a complaint about Keith's alleged stalking behaviour, but the officers she approached seemed dismissive and preoccupied with their duties. 

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