He was trying to resist the urge to sniff the clothes, to find out if they smelled exactly like Spade, manly and musty, would he smell like Spade if he wore them?

He clenched his jaw, his hands holding tight on the clothes as his mind fought against him, slowly moving the clothes towards his nose, he brought them up and placed them on his face, taking a huge sniff of it.
The scent invaded his nose, blinding all his other senses, clouding his mind as his whole body started tingling with desire, want, he felt all the blood rush to his groin area as his pants tightened themselves, he pulled the clothes away and let his eyes rest on the obvious bulge in his pants.

He was shocked and at the same time scared.
He'd gotten excited before with thoughts about Spade, but it was just a spontaneous tick, an almost unnoticeable jump, but now he was actually watching as his dick rose because of Spade.

He'd never ever felt this way for anyone, nothing had ever excited him to this point, infact nothing had ever sexually excited or aroused him, not until he met Spade.
And it was scaring him that he was feeling this way towards Spade, the one man he shouldn't even be close to, Spade was more dangerous than anybody he'd ever met, he should be running to the opposite direction but there was this pull, very strong and irresistible that was dragging him towards Spade.

The harder he tried to resist it, and push it far back into his mind, the stronger it became and the harder it became to ignore it.

He swallowed before flinging the clothes on the bed, they smelt just like he expected, like Spade, so now he had to go take a cold shower.

He walked towards the bathroom door, gently pushing it open, he stepped inside.
The white bulb illuminated the bathroom, to his right side was the huge, full body length mirror, a see through glass shower and a huge bathtub, there was a sink close to the full length mirror and a towel rack just above the bathtub, this bathroom smelt affluence and rich, not like his regular bathroom for a regular guy like him.

He let out a deep breath as he walked towards the sink, a cupboard was beneath it, he pulled the first drawer open and he found a few bottles, picking them up one by one he read the contents of the back and one was a shampoo, another a moisturizer, a mouth wash, nasal hair removal cream and the the last one was a skin cleanser.

He put them back and pulled open the drawer just beside that one, he saw some soaps, both liquid and solid, a few brushes, some new and others had been used.
"Wow" he muttered before closing it back and stepping away from the sink, he started taking off his clothes, from his suit jacket, to the white buttoned up shirt he wore inside, he unbuckled his belt and pulled the zipper to his pants open, he pulled down his pants, gingerly dropping his clothes on the edge of the sink, he pulled open the doors to the shower and stepped inside.

Even with the sightseeing he'd been doing in the bathroom since, his dick was still hard, not as hard as when he was still clutching to Spade's clothes tho but he could feel the veins on it pulling together.

He turned on the shower as he watched the water pour out, touching his skin, it was warm, not hot or cold but warm, just the way he liked it.

He placed his hands on the wall of the shower as his eyes rested on his semi hard dick, he swallowed and inhaled a deep breath, seeing the problem Spade had caused for him, thoughts about the man alone got him like this.

He had never had to worry about things like this, because he'd never felt it before.
Nate had never been sexually aroused before and it wasn't because he didn't want to, but it just never happened, not since.... He quickly shook his head blocking off that thought and memory.
Everything about the thought left him irritated and uninterested, but all that had changed, ever since meeting Spade.

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