"Well hand me a towel would ya?" She raises her eyebrows to the set of dry towels behind me . I stand up without saying anything. I can feel his stare on me. I feel so uncomfortable in this leggings. Knowing he can see everything. Im so glad my t-shirt covers my behind. I take one towel as i walk towards my sister. She holds out her hand as i put it into hers. I look at her face and a sinister grin covers her face as she grabs my arm and pulls me into the water. My eyes widen but im too late. The water swallows my gasp as my nose burns at the unexpected fall. Cold water surrounds me . Immediately cooling my warm skin. This feels nice. I should stay here.

I push myself up from below as i submerge with a gasp. I push my wet hair out of my face as ashleys laughter fills the air "thats what you get for not hanging out with me"

"I could've drowned !"

She waves a hand "you'll live"

Just as im about to push her down the water again . Moms voice fills the backyard.

"Ash ! Honey. I need your help on finding an outfit for tonights date with your father " mom stands with one hand on her hip as she leans on the backdoors frame.

"Sure , I'll be right out. Give me a second mom" she says as mom nods and goes back inside. She begins to get out and i watch her everystep. She takes another dry towel as she wipes her arms and legs.

She turns around and points behind me "I'll be right back . Damien thats my sister estella. Be nice " she gives me a wink and i freeze . I forgot he was here . Shit !

Ash runs inside as she slams the door close and silence fills the air. The only sounds are the pools water slapping against each edge of the pool.

I slowly turn around as the water touches my chin. He leans back with his forearms resting on the edge of the pool. He watches me like a hawk looking at its prey. And i gulp. Flushing uncomfortably. I dont think as i swim to the steps of the pool. Before i can reach it i swim into a hard smooth chest and i flinch back looking up at damien.

"W-what are you doing?" I whisper as a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips. He shrugs mindlessly as he slowly steps forward and i take a step back.

"Stop it" i snap and his dark chuckle fills my senses.

"Stop what tsvetok?" He uses the nickname he calls me and i stop swimming backwards.

"I'll tell her , don't take another step and don't call me that you disgusting asshole" i snap as my voice quivers.

Suddenly he's infront of me as he leans down and i clench my eyelids close . He takes in my scent as he smells my hair and down my neck "you fucking smell edible" i flinch as i push his chest.

"H-how could you? Shes my sister . You knew what you were doing when-

"When you kissed me?" He raises an eyebrow.

I shake my head "i didn't kiss you. You kissed me"

"You gave me consent. Besides" he chuckles "...who do you think she'll believe? Her boyfriend or her sister whose never had a boyfriend?"

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper and he shrugs as he pushes my wet hair behind my ear. He leans down to my cheek as he sticks his toungue out and trails it from my cheek to my neck and i shudder . I feel so violated. So fucking uncomfortable. "You taste better anyways." I dont think when my hand raises and i slap him across the cheek. He holds his cheek as he laughs and nods his head up and down

"Not bad , not bad" i raise my hand again and he grabs it as he pulls me closer. A dark look suddenly taking over his features "but touch me again...and I'll tell ash you kissed me" he seems my widened expression as he pouts "what would she think? When she finds out her little sis likes to share?" I don't realise im crying as tears roll down my cheeks.

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