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(Dahyun pov)

"I know you don't wanna see any of us right now, but just listen to what I have to say. I don't know what Nayeon and Jeonyeon planned together, but me Sana and Mina weren't in on it I swear. It was never our intention to hurt you or anything of that sort, they acted on their own that time" Jihyo was just across form the door while I had my head pressed up against it straining to hear her.

"Why are you telling me this Jihyo?" 

"Because I genuinely want to be friends with you, I wouldn't go this far just to tell you this if I wasn't serious. Just ask Sana or Mina, Mina never lies. She couldn't even like if she wanted to. Sana would value emotions more than anything. I swear we weren't trying to do you harm. Sana and Mina have their own parts to explain too, just please listen to us, even for a few minutes"

"Let me think"

"Yeri what should I do?"

"Well, she seems serious about this, maybe you should give those 3 a chance to explain themselves. Mina and Sana certainly didn't have any part in it I know for a fact. I saw how scared Sana looked and how Mina was being held back by Chaeyoung when you ran off the roof. I mean Mina could've obviously used her abilities to break free from Chaeyoung but it looked like she didn't want to hurt her. Sana just looked like she couldn't move."

"Well based on that, I guess I could give it another shot?"

"Whatever you feel fit, you were always better at these things than me Dahyun" Yeri walked closer and hugged me

"Don't do something so stupid like that again. I can't lose you too, you're all I have left" I patted her back and nodded

"Ok fine,"

"Yes thank you!" Jihyo shouted excitedly from across the door, and when opened it, she gave me  a sympathetic but understanding smile and suddenly hugged me

"I'm sorry about that. And also for suddenly hugging you" truthfully, I didn't feel that uncomfortable when she hugged me, it felt normal? I didn't feel that suffocating feeling like when other people hugged me besides Yeri for once?

"It's fine, i mean if you guys didn't know that she was gonna do that, I don't have anything against you.?" Jihyo seemed surprised at my words but still smiled

"Yeah anyways" Sana's voice suddenly came from behind me standing with Mina

"Oh god where did you two come from??" 

"Teleportation? I mean Jihyo could've done that too, but she's too much of a goody two shoes to just jump into someone's house"

"Oh... well thanks for not  doing that Jihyo"

"Heyyyy don't be like that" Mina spoke with a slight pout, it was kinda cute— wait what am I even thinking??

We walked over to the living room space and sat down on the couch there "what did you guys come here for again? I get you guys weren't  in on the whole trying-to-kill-me thing"

"Well we wanted to make sure that we were on a good note with you for starters, and also about Tzuyu and Chaeyoung" I tensed up after hearing those names but managed to keep my head

"Apparently Nayeon and Jeongyeon got someone to do a little something, were their exact words. But I don't think it's something bad bad that would be too far, even for them" Mina said but with a hint of nervousness for some odd reason I bet

"Oh. Ok"

"That's it? That's all you've got to say?" Jihyo asked surprised 

"What else is there to say?"

"I don't know.... Maybe just the fact like how could they??"

"What's the point if they did? I could tell the whole school about this whole thing yet no one would bat an eye. Hell I'd be the one to be hurt not any of you" they all stayed silent after that, they knew I was right.

After a few moments of silence and no one knowing what to say, I spoke "if you guys don't have anything left to say or do, you can kindly leave." They looked at each other and nodded before looking back at me

"We wanted to ask if you'd be ok if we added a person to the dorm room you and Momo will be in" Jihyo asked

"Um... sure?"

"It's ok if you don't want to" Sana added

"Who is this person?" I asked completely ignoring Sana'a's previous comment 

"We were thinking Mina" Jihyo continued while Mina herself stayed ever so quiet

"Oh... interesting" 

"Why do you sound so... dead? Lie, you don't exactly have any emotion evident in your voice—" Sana wanted to ask but her mouth was immediately covered by Mina's hand

"Ignore her please, she's probably high right now" Mina said while still struggling with Sana 

"Heyyyyyyyy I'm not high right now!" Sana said while pouting

"Just hush Sana" Jihyo added which only made Sana gasp dramatically 

"Oh well anyway, I don't mind." Mina nodded and they started to leave after we bid our goodbyes and good nights, well mostly them. 


Hey guys, sorry if the chaps so far are boring, I'm gonna try and speed it up to the more interesting parts sorry!

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