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(Mina pov)

This level is so hard to beat... I swear it's getting on my nerves. The girls were talking with two other people, I was listening to their conversation yeah but most of my attention was on my game. I didn't bother looking up though, the girl that ran into Nayeon is Chaeyoung and the other taller girl is Tzuyu, I saw the way Sana looked at Tzuyu, she clearly fell for her already.

I don't wanna seem rude, I looked down and saw a book beside my foot, the least I could do was to hand it to them right? So I leaned down and reached for the book, but another hand also reached for the book, our hands brushed, I looked up and saw it was Chaeyoung. Her hands were so soft, they were pretty warm compared to my cold hands. I don't know why but I got the sudden urge to hold those hands forever, I didn't ever want to let go of those hands...

I saw a tint of red appear on her face, and she quickly stood up while looking away.

"Here you go chaeyoung" i said and handed her the book

"T-thanks" she stuttered?? It was cute though

"I'm Mina by the way, nice to meet you Chaeyoung" I said and gave her a gummy smile

"It was nice meeting you Elites, but we gotta get going now" tzuyu said and walked away with Chaeyoung while she smacked her on the head and started scolding her, I found it hilarious and chuckled.

"Oh wow, the Myoui Mina just laughed and actually introduced herself to someone for the very first time, tell me minari do you have a crush?" Sana asked slyly while smiling teasingly at me 

"W-what??!? Of course not heh heh..."

"Why'd you stutter Myoui?" Sana teased "nothing gets past my eyes, especially when it comes to you"

"Don't act like you haven't fallen for that Tzuyu too" I retorted and saw how Sana was surprised I bought that up 

"Where did that come from? Where did my sweet Mina go? You grow up so fast, it feels like just yesterday you were still clinging to me when we went to those extravagant gatherings" Sana said reminiscing about old times, when times were simpler and when we didn't have to worry about our future, when we didn't have to worry about being forced to do things we didn't want to. When we didn't have to be worried about being separated from each other...

"I guess I've grown up, so have you satang..." i said with a hint of sadness

"I guess I have"

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