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"Any particular reason you wanted to come up here?" 

"I don't think so, I just felt like coming here today"

"You always come here when you wanna get away from people, why?"

"Hmmm, I guess I just like the quiet and being able to think in peace"

I looked at the view in front of me as I walked to the edge and sat down which my legs dangling, it looked like a dream, sure it was early in the morning still but the morning view is just as great as a sunset. I always liked to be alone and to just think. The rooftop was the only place I found that I could run away to in school, everything is so hectic at Luminary. From the students constantly ridiculing me, to the teachers always trying to make things difficult for me. They even wonder how I got into Luminary and are so spot on to getting me out. 

It was always better to be alone.

The kindest things are always the lonely ones, like a shooting star, a brief flash of beauty granting wishes to those awake to see—

But destined to soar alone into the dark abyss of the nights. Perhaps they show us something we can't see in ourselves.

Something we fought to not see

The feelings—emotions—memories—we tried to stow away never to see the light again for fear they may "hold us back" from what we want to achieve.

But who's to say they will? 

Why must we follow a scale that was forced upon us used to govern us, why must we follow it? 

Because we are afraid— afraid of what will happen if there is no system put in place to prevent chaos, but what if there won't be any chaos? How did we come to the conclusion of chaos?

We're just lost. I'm lost

I want to be alone, but when I am, my thoughts, feelings, my mind eats me alive.

But not all those who wander are lost. 

Am I lost? I feel lost, but I have a direction at the same moment.

Hope is a beautiful lie, holding onto hope is like a dog waiting for their dead owner to come back, forever waiting in the same spot until their own inevitable death. 

The world is just a stage, people are players, life seems but a quick session of busy nothings. It's all a game. So where's the end point? When can I beat it? When will I be free?

All these thoughts keep me in my wake. 

Maybe it's better to just enjoy whatever comes in the moment? Maybe it's better to look at all the maybes in this game of life and follow them?


Hey readers 👋👋👋

Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you are enjoying this story so far. I promise there is more to come!! Just hold on a little more? 

I'm not sure who needs to hear it but,

You're worth it, you're worth everything. You aren't merely a pebble in the river full of rocks, you are something special among the countless copies, something meant to be appreciated and valued, not thrown out and pushed away just because no one could see your worth. 

Value yourself before you want others to value you, if you don't what will happen when everyone turns their back on you?

No one can save us except ourselves.

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