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(Momo pov)

Somewhere far away....

*kring kring kring*

I picked up my phone and saw the caller ID



Satang ❤️

"Hey Momoring, we found a roommate you might like!!"

"Oh really?? That's great, what's her name?"

"Dahyun. I think she might've had a bad experience with an Elite or something of the sort because she seems very cautious and afraid of us. She said that us Elites are full of ourselves and abuse our power on others. I don't know how you will get along with her, but we've been telling her that you are a great person and a good roommate"

"How did you come to her as a conclusion?"

"We felt a strong aura around her anytime we passed, even in the Common Area we felt her presence was strong. She said she doesn't have any powers or abilities though?" 

"Wait but then how did she get accepted to Luminary in the first place? How did she passs the entrance exam?"

"Nayeon asked that exact question but Dahyun just avoided it and said it was a story for another time."

"Oh... I hope you guys are right about this, I mean her name itself sounds familiar, I feel like I know her"

"That's what I said!! Well I didn't say it out loud but you get my point. I swear we've known her before, I have a feeling she's changed in a way?" 

"I don't remember anyone besides you guys from my childhood, yet the name sounds familiar" 

"Maybe your parents know something about it?" 

"You're right! I should ask them about it"

"She blanked when we mentioned your name, but it was your last name, she looked scared like she remembered something bad when we said "Hirai", and she also got up suddenly and ran away. Jihyo said she went to the rooftop so Nayeon followed her. She just told us through telepathy that Dahyun was panicking, we don't know how or what led up to her having a panic attack but we will ask her later. Momoring she isn't gonna be an easy one to room with" 

"What?! Is she ok??"

"Woah... I've never heard you react like that, do you have a crush on her?" 

"What??? No way, I don't even know what she looks like!" 

"We'll try to get her social and I'll tag you if we find it, sound ok?"

"I guess..."

"Welp I gotta go now, take care, and safe trip over to Luminary!! See you tomorrow!!" 

"Bye Satang, tell the others I said hi and bring me snacksssssss"

"Yah! You don't think of anything but food!"

"That's very much correct, byeeeeeeee"

I hope I can get her to warm up to me. Maybe I can melt her ice cold heart? I can't help but feels worried about her, I don't even know her. At least that's what I think.

"You sure you don't know her?"

"I'm positive I've never met her before Yin"

"Ask your parents about it"

I don't know her. But her name feels familiar...


Hey guys sorry if the story is a little underwhelming so far😅😅😅

What do you guys think Momo and Dahyun's relationship is??

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