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"Oh my gosh it is you!!" Yeri pulled away from the hug only to hug me even tighter

"Chill you act like we haven't seen each other for years" I said and rolled my eyes

"Uh yeah that's basically what it feels like, I haven't seen you from last year up until now!!"

"Yeah yeah whatever" I slightly chuckled at my best friend's reaction 

"What are you gonna do now?"

"Well, long story short, I will be moving to a dorm, as well as tzuyu and chaeyoung. Those two will be roommates and I will be roommates with a elite named Momo, she's arriving tomorrow by the way, so I'm gonna go pack my things and the other Elites are gonna come help as well. Before you even ask, no I didn't agree to this, I was forced to" I said as quickly as possible, Yeri looked dumbfounded and didn't respond for a good 5 minutes 



"I have so many questions"

"I'll be sure to answer them as best I can later, wanna help me pack first?"

"Uh yeah absolutely! We can catch up some while I help too"

I started walking with Yeri scrambling behind me trying to catch up

"How's the head?" I laughed slightly, it was a joke that only me and Yeri know about it's rather funny. We made a greeting for each other whenever we haven't seen the other in a while, it's like a shorter way of asking "what have you been up to" "love life?" "Anything got you flustered these days?" "Anything I should know?" "Are you thinking too much again?" And so on.

"Which do you wanna know this time Yerim?" I laughed again and wrapped my arm around her shoulder pulling her towards me a bit

"Hmmmm ALL OF THEM starting with anything to tell me?" 

"Do you know a girl named Minju?" I asked

"Uh yeah of course, who doesn't? I mean yeah sure the girl is quite most the time but come on, with that beauty and brain of hers she's as popular as the Elites themselves!!" Yerim responded enthusiastically while flailing her hands in the air

"Oh then would you like to help me hand up flyers with her tomorrow at lunch?" 


"They got the poor girl passing out and putting up tons of flyers for the 3 Acts all by herself" i added shaking my head. It was ridiculous how the Elites expected one person to pass out all those pieces of paper by herself in a set amount of time. Just another example of how they abuse their status and power on the lower levels

"Unbelievable. But i mean we can't do anything to change it, we can only help those affected by it"

"By far the wisest words I've ever heard from you since I've known you Yerim" i said and smirked and her

"Yahhhhhh I can be smart too!!! When I want to be" she whispered that last part but nonetheless, I heard it loud and clear

"Pssshhhh whatever" I rolled my eyes and laughed at Yeri sulking, which didn't last too long when she hit my arm rather harshly

"Ok ok I'm sorry jeez" i only laughed again, by then we had arrived at my apartment so the fun was over

"We're here now I'll miss this place for sure"

"Eh it can't be that bad, I mean I live in a dorm too, don't forget to have sleepovers at my dorm!!"

"How could I forget?" 

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