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"Get your lazy butts up. We gotta get ready now"

"Alright jeez. But it's not like we don't have time, it's only 6 right now tzuyu" chaeyoung said a bit annoyed "True, BUT knowing you two, it'll take a while to get ready. Especially YOU" tzuyu said while pointing at chaeyoung "says the one that pours the milk before the cereal!" The other retorted smugly "there's no difference which goes first!" Tzuyu replied, anyone with eyes and some decent bit of common sense could tell that if the duo's little argument didn't stop now, the next thing being thrown wouldn't be a couple of words.

"Guys it's too early in the morning to argue, we can't be late on the first day" I said and the other two nodded and went to their respective rooms but not before one last insult against the other. I'll admit, it's funny watching them argue over stupid things like which came first, the chicken or the egg? But then it'll spiral out of control. Like that one time when Tzuyu almost beat chaeyoung up so badly she had to go to the infirmary, almost because I stopped them just in time.

"Unnie did you steal my sweater?!?" Tzuyu yelled from her room

"What of course not hehe" I replied back while the sweater tzuyu was looking for was lying under my bed, oopsie.

40mins later~~

"Ok, we all ready now?" I asked as I straightened out my uniform for god knows how many times. The uniforms are given based on what Division you are in out of the 4. There is Division A which is the Division for the most powerful and skilled students, basically also the popular kids. Division B is where the cool kids are you could say, it's overall a complete mess and clash of different personalities and motives. Some students are trying to reach Division A, while others are just glad they even made it to Division B at all and just chill at that point, tzuyu and chaeyoung are both in Division B. Division C is the division where the troublemakers are, they don't really care about anything and some don't even try to move up from their division, they aren't treated the best by the other students because of their placement either. Lastly, Division D. The worst division of all, and definitely the worst treated too. Everyone makes fun of the students in that division.

The divisions are how the school keeps order, sure it's messed up and all but how else would you control a bunch of magic casting kids?

Each division has their set color, they go like this:

Division A- White uniforms:

Division A- White uniforms:

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Division B- blue uniforms:

Division C- red uniforms:

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Division C- red uniforms:

Division D- green uniforms:

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Division D- green uniforms:

I received a different uniform from the other students since I'm not in a division at all, my uniform is black

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I received a different uniform from the other students since I'm not in a division at all, my uniform is black.

"Dahyun unnie, you look amazing in your uniform, black suits you well" Chaeyoung said while walking towards me with her bag, "thanks chaeng" I replied and straightened my uniform AGAIN

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"Dahyun unnie, you look amazing in your uniform, black suits you well" Chaeyoung said while walking towards me with her bag, "thanks chaeng" I replied and straightened my uniform AGAIN

"Chaeyoung unnie! Don't forget your tie!" Tzuyu yelled while running out of her room

"Oh thanks tzu"

"Unnie you have to be more careful! You could've gotten detention on THE FIRST DAY if you forgot, you know how strict Luminary is on these things" tzuyu scolded totally not like she's younger than chaeng.

"Yeah, you're right" Chaeyoung chuckled a bit after realizing how stupid she was

"That's enough guys, should we walk to school? Or teleport today?" I asked

"We should walk!"

"We should teleport!"

"Uh let's just teleport most of the way and walk the rest? Like 2 blocks away from the school then we walk?" I said trying to compromise



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