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(Momo pov)

I ran down the stairs from my bedroom to the living room where I hoped to find my parents, I needed to ask about Dahyun. There is this unknown feeling I have about her..

"Young Miss, please don't run down the stairs. What if you fall??" Sieun said at the bottom of the lengthy steps

"How many times must I tell you to call me Momo, sieun?" I asked while finally reaching the bottom

"You know I can't do that Young Miss, plus it's a habit by now"

"Oh come on, you've practically raised me while my parents were too busy to... why wouldn't you call me informally, we've known each other for far too long for the whole 'young miss' thing"

"I guess you're right as always Momo, but what's got you running down so fast?" sieun asked

"I hav to ask my parents about someone, do you a girl named Dahyun?" I asked curiously, I mean Sieun should right? She literally raised me while my parents weren't even there, especially dad. I looked back at Sieun and she had a shocked expression.

"Well- yes I do, whatever your parents tell you likely will be a lie about her, I'll tell you what I know later" Sieun whispered the last part and looked around nervously like she was afraid someone might've heard her

"Oh ok"

I rushed past Sieun and went to the kitchen first, no one. Maybe the East Wing instead? I swear this place is to big for our own good sometimes, running around this place is a whole workout rather than an actual workout at this point, I don't know why I'm even running, my legs are burning and there is a stinging pain in my chest. But I have to find some answers, it's almost time for me to leave.

"Miss why are you running??"

"Suzy, drop the formalities, we've known each other for too long, but I'm running because I need to find my parents. Do you know where they are?" I asked trying to catch my breath

"Oh have you tried the garden maybe? The Queen is usually always there" Suzy replied with a smile

"Oh yeahhhhh thanks Suzy, Byeeeee"

I waved past Suzy as I ran to the opposite direction, to the West Wing. Mom has a garden over there that she loves with all her heart, probably even more than her own family. I never see her anywhere else besides there whenever she's home too, why didn't I think of checking there?

I ran and ran until I finally reached the entrance of the impossibly large garden if you'd an even call it that. Mom has plenty of plants,flowers, and trees here it's crazy how they all fit.

I haven't been in here for awhile, I'm surprised it's still so well kept

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I haven't been in here for awhile, I'm surprised it's still so well kept. I can tell why Mom would like this place so much, it's quiet and peaceful. It has a pleasant smell too, not too strong not too light, this place is alway so nostalgic it reminds me of when I was little and I would run around with Sana in here while the others were busy looking at all the flowers and giving them to each other. I still think about those times often, at night when I can't sleep, my mind wanders off.

These flowers look nice, maybe I should take some as a gift?

"Oh honey, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting ready? You leave soon" Mom asked, her voice shocked me a bit as it cut through the peaceful silence

"I came here to ask you about someone, do you know a girl named Dahyun?" I asked while sitting down beside her on the small swingy bench thing

"Ah yes, Dahyun. She was a childhood friend of yours, why?"

"Well she's going to be my roommate at Luminary and I felt like that name sounded familiar but I couldn't figure out why exactly" I said while leaning back on the backrest and closed my eyes, I can see someone reaching out to me while laughing, her smile is sweet and welcoming but her face is blurred

"What ever happened to her and why don't I remember her face?"

"She just disappeared one day and we never found out where she went" mom said while looked down

"What about her parents?" I asked and turned to face her

"Me and your father aren't sure she ever had parents actually, whenever we visited the house she lived in, it was empty. When we asked her about where her parents were, she said thy were busy and weren't around a lot. But one day when we didn't come over, we went to check on her but she wasn't there. Everything was left behind but no trace of her at all..." she added "I was so worried for her, she was like my own child, we never met her parents and I guess they weren't around much either so I practically took her into my care. Whenever she went back to her own house, I was worried if she ate or not. But the girl seems to never be hungry"

"Oh I see..."

"Who are you guys talking about?" I turned around and saw dad standing there with his arms crossed looking at us suspiciously

"Oh I just asked mom about Dahyun" the moment those words slipped out my mouth, Dad looked scared and froze up, I looked back at him confusingly, he walked closer and held my hands

"Why did you ask about her dear?" He asked

"She's going to be my roommate at Luminary and I felt her name to be familiar to I asked mom" I said still suspicious at his reaction

"Wha- ok promise me you'll be cold to her" what? Why?

"Why? Wasn't she my childhood friend?" I asked, my suspicions growing

"Well- yes- but there's something you should know about her, she-"

"Young Miss! It's time to go!" Sieun came in shouting

"Oh ok, thanks Sieun" I said as I stood up and starting walking away but a hand grabbed my wrist

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