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(Possible trigger ahead: strong language, curse words)

(Legend: flashback)


(Dahyun pov)

My book was pushed downwards and I looked up to see Jungkook and his little crew. Kai,Jin,Jimin, Minho, and BamBam. The main bullies in Luminary. Such thorns in my side.

I just looked up at Jungkook without uttering a single word along with a stoic expression for a moment but then went but to trying to look further into my book

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled in a angry voice, but again I just ignored him and tried to get up and leave but was pushed down strongly by Minho which made me fall back into my seat

"We aren't down talking to you, what are you doing sitting at the table with the Elites" Jin added while glaring at me, I just shrugged my shoulders and again, tried to get up to leave, sadly Jimn stood in my way, I tried moving past him but he pushed me down again way harder this time sending me to the floor with a grunt, causing everyone to look over at us and wonder about all the commotion going on. Jungkook walked over to where I was at the floor and bent over slightly to face me.

"You worthless,useless, and utterly pathetic piece of shit" he muttered not so quietly and dumped his cold cup of water on me while I heard a few small gasps from the other students. 

I just sat there. I'm not sure why but I just couldn't move, I couldn't able my limbs to support me up anymore...

( fLaShBaCk TiMe~~~~~)

I couldn't move, the cold wind hitting my almost lifeless body only added to the pain, I was just barely leaning up against the cold brick wall. I felt like all the bones in my body are broken. My back and neck hurt the most, I'm almost so sure that my spine is broken. My arms were covered with cuts and bruises, my left wrist is broken too, I can feel myself slipping away slowly, I can't take this anymore. 

I was suddenly met with a cold splash of water, but that didn't hurt, what hurt more was who it was from.

"Oh don't go to sleep now~~ you think I'm done? You haven't seen what I can do yet" He grabbed me by my neck and pulled me up to face him as he scowled just by looking at me, then threw me against the concrete ground, my back hurt so much I was numb.

"Dahyun! Are you ok?? What happened??" I snapped out of my trance and looked up to see Jihyo with the Elites while Tzuyu and Chaeyoung were standing behind her. I got up and pushed my way out from them.

"What happened Dahyun? Where are you going?" I heard Mina ask quietly, I didn't bother turning back to face her or them at all

"Why so rude Dahyun? I get that you din't like them but they were worried for you, you could at least say something or just look at us" Chaeyoung said in a bitchy tone

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