His silence made her concerned, so she asked, "Do you want to come inside?" She moved to the side to let him enter. Ivan entered the room, and they both sat down, with Ivan keeping a bit of distance. Arya hesitated before asking, "Is something bothering you?"
His lips parted, but no words came out. With a concerned gaze, he looked at Arya, his mind filled with questions. 'Can this really be true? She had that kind of effect on me? Can my heart choose her above all?' Casting a forced smile, he said, "It's just that we haven't been able to talk much lately. My tight schedule made it hard to spare time. About the winter ball, have you decided how to celebrate this occasion? After all, it is a joyous celebration for us Northerners."
'Ahhh… the first ball of winter? It totally slipped my mind.' Arya, with a polite smile, said, "Right, I will start working on that from tomorrow. Did you come here to talk about this?" Arya observed Ivan's hesitant demeanor, sensing something deeper beneath his words, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of uncertainty and longing, "Yea… yeah, that's all. I will leave now."

As Ivan stood to leave, Arya's intuition tingled with a sense of unease. In a fleeting moment of impulse, her fingers instinctively reached out, grasping his hand gently yet firmly, halting his departure. The unexpected touch caused Ivan to flinch slightly, his eyes flickering with surprise as he turned to face Arya.
Arya could sense the confusion in Ivan's expression, but she pressed on, her voice laced with concern. "Stay tonight," she implored softly, Ivan's eyes widened in disbelief, 'does she know what she's talking about?'

"Let's talk, it is gleaming like silver that you are bothered about something. Perhaps, you could share some on my shoulder", Arya comments further. Exhaling slowly, Ivan felt a flicker of vulnerability tug at his resolve. "It's as if you're my wife," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Arya gaze at him stating, "I am, in a way, even if it's only on paper," she replied, her words imbued with a quiet strength. "Share with me. Who knows, it might be just what you need. And I'm a great listener, I assure you of that." Arya's gaze softened, it was as if the very essence of the moonlight had taken residence within her eyes, casting a gentle glow that danced with the shadows in the chamber, a smile on her red lips, as the moon casted it's light  inside the chamber, with the cool breeze flowing in, a comforting sensation filled the air.

Under the soft glow of the fire, amidst the flickering shadows, Ivan and Arya found themselves lost in a timeless conversation that seemed to dance effortlessly through the night. Each word exchanged was a thread weaving together the fabric of their connection, stitching together tales of friendship, hardship, and the warmth of familial love.

With each story shared, Arya's fascination grew, her mind opening like a blossoming flower to the richness of Ivan's world, a world she had only glimpsed through the pages of a book. Yet now, in the quiet intimacy of this moment, she found herself immersed in the vibrant tapestry of his experiences, her imagination ignited by the vividness of his recollections.

As the fire crackled and popped, casting a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow across their faces, Ivan's gaze remained fixed on Arya, his eyes drinking in every nuance of her expression with a reverence that bordered on worship. In her presence, he found himself enchanted, captivated by the ethereal beauty that seemed to radiate from her very being.

Hours melted away into the darkness, the boundaries of time and space blurred by the intensity of their connection. And as the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of rose and gold, they succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep, cradled in the warmth of each other's presence, their worries and cares forgotten in the tranquility of the moment.

In the morning hour, as usual, Miya knocks on the door. But like before, she heard no reply. After some attempts, she came inside; her gasp of surprise breaking the silence like a pebble dropped into a still pond. But her surprise quickly gave way to amusement, her laughter ringing out like the melody of a joyous song as she beheld the scene before her.

"Oh my," she whispered, her voice a soft murmur of delight as she surveyed the peaceful tableau before her. "What a sight to behold." Arya was in the arms of Ivan and his hand held her on him close to his heart. And with a knowing smile, she left them to their slumber, content in the knowledge that in this fleeting moment of quiet intimacy, true magic had been found.

The servants outside the door were paitently waited to attend Arya at Miya's call. However, instead of that, Miya came out, with caution she closes the door, ensuring that it does not make any sound. A warm expression on her face, which surprised the other maids, "the stone face cracekd?" They mummer as startlingly they gaze at Miya. "Ahem… we do not need to attend madam at the moment", says Miya. The maids glance at each other, than looks at Miya with questionable look. Shaking her head she sighs and add, "now now, off we go." Stepping forward she adds, "Come along girl's." The image of her master and mistress's peaceful slumber came to her mind, wondering what turn will their relationship take, in which colour will the future be paint; yet her smile remain unbroken.


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