Anxious Thoughts...

Start from the beginning

I open the office door and look around. Dan and Y/n are sitting on the sofa bed, with a camera in front of them. They look up at me as I come in.

Dan smirks. "Nervous?"

"Yeah... a little..." I reply, looking away from them in embarrassment.

I hear a slapping noise, and when I look back, Dan is holding his arm and scowling at Y/n.

"What was that for?!" he exclaims.

"Don't be rude to Phil. I bet he didn't tease you when you started going out with me, now did he?" she says.

He just glares at her in response. She boops his nose playfully and turns to me again. "When we've finished this video, we're heading off to my mum's house, so you won't have to worry about 'Mr. Embarrassing' teasing you."

My mouth forms an 'o' shape. "How long will you be gone?"

"Just a few hours; we'll be back around tea time."

I nod slowly. "Okay. Well, good luck!"

She grimaces. "Thanks."

The doorbell rings suddenly, making me jump. I play with my hands nervously and chew my lip, thoughts running riot in my head.

What if she doesn't like it here?

What if she doesn't like the way I'm dressed?

What if she's expecting me to cook a massive five star meal for dinner?

What if she just came over to tell me she doesn't want to see me anymore?

What if she doesn't like Dan and Y/n?

What if she develops a crush on Dan?

What if she develops a crush on Y/n?

(A/N: Phil doesn't judge people's sexuality, and neither should anyone! :D )

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a hand clicking in front of my face.

"Phil! Snap out of it, and go answer the door!" Dan exclaims, looking frustrated. "Or I will."

Y/n puts her hand in his and squeezes gently, visibly calming him down. He looks at her and smiles, doing his 'Heart Eyes Howell' thing.

"Go on, Phil. You'll be wonderful, don't worry!" she encourages.

I take a deep breath, smile at her and walk to the door. The doorbell isn't ringing anymore, so I quicken my pace.

I open the door, but nobody's there. I frown and look around, glimpsing a girl walking back down the stairs. I start to run after her.

It could either be Minty (which would be extremely relieving), or a random girl (which would be extremely awkward). I swallow my fear and tap her on the shoulder.

She turns around, surprised, then recognition flashes across her face. "Oh, Phil!"

"Minty, hey," I say breathlessly, holding my hand to my chest. "I'm so unfit, gosh!"

She laughs. "Did you run after me?"

I nod, a stupid grin on my face, which slowly turns into a frown. "Why were you leaving, anyway?"

She blushes. "I thought I got the wrong address, so I was going to try the next building along... I rang the doorbell for about ten minutes, did you not hear me?"

Now, it's me who blushes. "Yeah, I heard you, but Dan wouldn't stop teasing me, and I was trying to stand up for myself. Sorry for taking so long."

Minty shrugs and smiles. "It's okay."

I awkwardly rock backwards and forwards on the balls of my feet.

"Uh, so, follow me!" I say eventually, beginning the long climb back to our flat, and internally facepalming at my hesitation to invite her up.

She smiles again and starts following me.

Back to youuu!

You turn the camera off, and Dan pops the memory card out of it and puts it in his laptop bag.

"I might edit on the way," he explains.

You nod and glance at the time on your phone.

"We have to go now..." you say reluctantly.

Dan gives you a sympathetic look and kisses your forehead. "It'll be fine, we're only there for a few hours, anyway."

"Yeah, you're right," you admit. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yup, are you?"

You nod and get up, taking his hand and tugging on it. He won't budge, and grins at you instead. You narrow your eyes at him playfully and use both hands to try and pull him up. He still doesn't move.

"You're a weakling," he teases.

You cross your arms. "What an amazing boyfriend you are; you make me feel so loved."

Dan rolls his eyes and gets up. "Yeah, I'm so heartless," he says sarcastically.

You smile at him, and he leans down to kiss you, putting one hand on your waist, and one on your back. You put yours on his shoulder, and in his hair, playing with it. After a moment, you pull away. He pouts at you.

"I'm sorry, but we really have to go now," you say.

He chuckles. "It's okay. Let's go!"

You take his hand again and lead him out the office door. Suddenly, you bump into a very pretty brunette girl.

She has shoulder length brown hair, which curls at the ends towards her face.

Her eyes seem just green at first glance, but then you notice flecks of different colours in them.

She's wearing a black knee length dress with a Peter Pan collar, and lace up ankle boots.

Her lipstick is pale pink, and her eyeliner flicks out at the edge of her eyes.

She looks startled, then smiles.

"I'm so sorry," you apologise. "I didn't see you there!"

She shrugs. "It's okay. I was probably walking too fast, anyway."

You chuckle and hold out your hand. "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you. You're Minty, right?"

She shakes your hand firmly. "Nice to meet you too. And yeah, I'm Minty. How'd you know?"

Dan rolls his eyes. "Phil never stops talking about you," he says.

You hear an indignant "Hey!" from the living room.

You laugh. "This is Dan, by the way."

He sticks out his hand to her, and she takes it. "Hey, how are you?"

She smiles. "I'm great thanks, and yourself?"

He shrugs. "Pretty good."

You smile at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, again, but we really have to go now. Have fun with Phil! And don't get up to anything too saucy. Bye!"

She laughs, making her eyes crinkle up at the sides. "I won't, don't worry. Bye!"

A/N: I'm sorry for stringing out the visit to mum's house... :( But I have an alpacalypse planned soon, so you can look forward to that ;3

Love you guys xx

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