"Just give me a chance, one chance is all I ask for" he whispered making Nate to take in a deep breath and let it out, his eyes looking directly at Spade's.

"Okay" he whispered, he could see the way Spade's shoulders relaxed and he almost let out a sigh of relief, like he'd been tense the whole time.
"Ten minutes, and that's it" he added and Spade nodded his head.

"Ten minutes is enough" he muttered, Nate nodded but neither of them looked away from the other, Nate was looking at the sudden change in Spade's eyes color, it was no longer dark and brooding, it was more lighter now, shinning a bit from before, while Spade was getting lost in brown, honey orbs, they always looked the same, nothing about eyes had changed.

His eyes zeroed in on Nate's lips, and there was nothing he wanted more than to run his thumb across those pink lips, let his lips feel what Nate's lips tastes like.
He tightened his jaw, trying to control the excitement bubbling inside of him, if he kept thinking like this, then the little guy between his legs would rise up and there'd be no stopping that or hiding it.

He cleared his throat and teared his eyes away from Nate, as if both of them had just gotten a wake up call, they snapped and Nate quickly realized that they were alone and everything was suddenly awkward between them.

What should he say, was he even supposed to say anything?
Spade was the one that asked to talk, his eyes kept moving around the room not looking at Spade as he tried to distract his mind from the tension in the office.
Hot, the office was beginning to get hotter by the second, it was as if someone turned on a warmer in the office and shut all the doors.

Spade too was caught in a fix, he didn't know what to say.
Yes he wanted to talk to Nate and get the elephant in the room out of the way, but how was he gonna do that?
He didn't even know where to start from, and that's a first for him.

He had practically led more than a thousand men for more than five years now since taking up the position as Don and not once has he felt as speechless and nervous as he was feeling right now.

He let out a deep breath and cleared his throat, this made Nate to look at him momentarily, seeing the flex in his jaw and the Faraway look in his eyes, to Nate he didn't seem bothered by the awkwardness in the room, neither was he affected by the silence.

But deep down only he knew how much the silence and awkward atmosphere was eating him up.
"Your face healed up" he blurted out, mentally face palming himself for sounding so ridiculous, Nate just looked at him and nodded slowly "and your uh.. you're no longer limping" he added as if Nate didn't already knew that, Nate gave him another slow nod.

"I know"

God this was even more harder than he'd thought.
He was making a mess of himself, he really need to get his shit together, what's with the stupid small talks, he shut his eyes tight
"I'm not really good with small talk" he muttered pausing a bit, this time catching Nate's attention "and I'm not really good with apologising, I've never had to in my life" he muttered his eyes landing on Nate's neck, the same one he had his hands wrapped around a week ago, he could see the image resurface in his head.

Nate was keeping a keen eye on him as he spoke, feeling his stomach flutter at the fact that Spade was actually trying to apologise, or maybe he wasn't but merely seeing him try to even talk to Nate was something Nate never expected.

He was making an effort, he didn't have to, he didn't need to but he was.
This kind of warmed Nate's heart.

"I'm sorry" he whispered his eyes landing on Nate, they were still close, standing in front of each other, every little detail on Nate's face was visible to Spade, the small specs of black dots on his cheek, the uniqueness of his skin color, yes Nate had pale skin color but they weren't dry like most people would think, his skin was moist, milky and very very attractive, Spade could hardly look away from his face.

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