🌼Thirty Five🌼

Start from the beginning


Sorry, I forgot.

Ji hun:

No problem.

I just wanted to make sure you were safe.


I am.

Ji hun:

Are you sleeping?



(My body was quickly energized and I didn't feel the need to go to bed anymore. I just wanted to talk to Ji hun. It feels so nice.)


What are you doing?

Ji hun:

*Sends a Video*

Look, it's snowing!


It's so beautiful!

Ji hun:

I know, right?

(I give it a thought before typing something silly at this hour, 'cause I love it!)


Wanna go on a night walk?

Ji hun:

Seriously. Now?



Ji hun:

Aren't you tired?


Just a little bit.

Oh, right.

You must be tired, I didn't realize it.

Ji hun:

I am not tired at all. Never for you?!

Get ready, I'm reaching to pick up up in ten minutes.


Okay. *But Blushes*


I put the beer can aside and put on a jacket before stepping out. It was our second time out together, now. I'm excited already!

I step down and see him waiting for me at the roadside bus stop. We then start walking when he urges to hold my hand. I reciprocate as there's no one around to see us. He's just so nice.


(Time skips)

It was now one o'clock; time to go home! But Ji hun's mind had something different planning already. "But I don't want to let go of your hand yet." He whines when I try to untangle our fingers which fitted perfectly in each other's hands.

"I've got to go. It's late, Ji hun." I say.

"Just some time more. Please?" He makes his famous puppy eyes which makes me not say 'no'.

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