Chapter : 47

Depuis le début

"Is something bothering you, duke?" Renard ask. Emotionaless Ivan looks at him, 'it is you of course' while he could not voice out his inner thoughts, Ivan's forced smile concealed a hint of jealousy that intensified with each exchanged word, "nothing to be concern of. The north is full of dangerous monsters, they are especially perilous to the foreigners. So be careful viscount." Renard understood the meaning behind Ivan's words but as usual with a smile he replied, "thanks for your advice, but need no worry. I can handle breasts like that." As if two predators were facing each others as smile like villaines. They were talking with smile on their faces yet Arya somehow did not feel alright about the atmosphere. Arya observed the exchange between Renard and Ivan, sensing an unspoken tension in the air. As the conversation continued, the haveir the atmosphere felt. 'strange, what's with these two?' she could not understand at all.

'Arya,' Von twirled in the air playfully, as if dancing with the waves of winds. Arya looked at her with an affectionate gaze, 'Is that man going to help us?'
Arya smiled, 'with escorting the mana stone to the tower? Yes.' Arya nodded with a smile. Her attention shifting to a nearby basket. Getting up, she went towards the basket and settled beside it. Inside, her gaze lingered on Noir, nestled in peaceful slumber, watching Noir with a tender gaze, she says, "Don't you think Noir has been sleeping too much since coming here? Lately, he doesn't play as much," Arya mused, gently ruffling Noir's head, ask Von, "Do you think something is wrong with him?"
"It's probably that he is just sleepy. He is just being a cat. You know, cat's are lazy." Von said.

Her moment was disrupted by a knock on the glass door of the balcony, startling her. It was Renard; upon noticing him, she saw his stupid grin as he waved his hand slightly. "What do you think? Surprised?" he asked with excited eyes. She replied, "It's odd."
He dropped his shoulder like a scolded dog. "You really are something. A man comes to your door so late at night, yet you seem unfazed." Closing the distance between them, he leaned towards her, a dark smile on his face as his eyes squinted. "Aren't you afraid? What might I do to you?" Arya, not backing down, looked at his eyes with composure and stomped his feet hard. "Ahhh…ahh…ahh, my feet," Renard groaned in pain. "Stop the drama; I didn't stomp that hard," she playfully said. "Heartless," Renard remarked. "So why did you come at this hour?" Arya asked. He calmed down and explained, "Well, the sample you sent to us. It was presented in the auction house. Their enthusiasm has reached a fever pitch., especially the mages." Smirking she says, "good thing the fish got hooked." With twinkling eyes, renard congratulated her, "Congratulations, the bait worked."

They continued discussing the next steps, unaware that someone was observing their cheerful banter. Ivan, seeking respite from his exhaustion, strolled through the quiet paths. The mounting workload had confined him to his office. Little did he realize, Renard was engaged in a lively conversation with Arya on her balcony. (Well, that's how it looked to the onlookers.) Witnessing her radiant expression, a frown crept onto Ivan's face, a pang in his heart replacing the calmness he sought. An unexpected turmoil stirred him. His heart, once sheltered from emotional storms, now echoed with the haunting melody of jealousy. A frown etched its way onto Ivan's face as he witnessed the delighted exchanges between them, grip tighten into a fist. The calm retreat he sought transformed into a battlefield of conflicting sentiments. Despite not admitting it, he recognized the familiar feeling of jealousy, having fallen in love with Natasha in his past life. What puzzled him was why he felt this way towards Arya?

Fleeing from the scene, he couldn't bear witnessing her radiant smiles bestowed upon other men. The vivid images haunted his mind, fueling a jealousy that yearned for her exclusive attention, wondering why those enchanting moments were never reserved solely for him. Stefan was organising the peppers when he heard a loud noise, it was Ivan opening the office door. Surprised he ask Ivan, "oh, you are back already?"
Not bothering to reply his questions says, "out." Stefan confused ask, "what?"
Ivan yelled at him saying, "out, now."
Stefan sense something, putting down the papers in his hand says, "alright. Let me know when you need me."

Ivan's mind wrestled with conflicting emotions as the images of her captivating smile and starry-eyed gaze appears in his mind. Questions echoed in his thoughts, demanding answers that seemed elusive. ' Why her? Why is it that woman? Why was she with him? Why HIM?' The force of his frustration manifested in a resounding thud as his fist collided with the table, shattering delicate peepers strewn across the floor.

In a desperate attempt to ground himself, he uttered words of caution to his own reflection. "Wake up, Ivan, she is a Basilisk. Remember the shadows of her past lives. You can't afford leniency now; bringing Natasha is the utmost priority," he muttered, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

Yet, despite the rational warnings echoing in his own ears, Ivan grappled with the intangible allure of her presence. The internal struggle intensified, a battle unfolding between the logical convictions of his mind and the relentless yearnings of his heart.
Yet no matter how much he deceive his mind, he knows it was a battle he can not win or retreat from. After all, 'the worst battle is between one's mind and heart.'



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