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Well Many things took place in our main character's, Let's start with our jimin who was living a happy life with his little baby,It was very hard for jimin being pregnant,he always spended his night crying alone even after being away from Taehyung,jimin was still heartbroken thinking that he will never meet taehyung again.

And after 9 month's jimin was blessed with a baby boy,he named him as 'kim jungkook',Jimin was in tears when he first held jungkook in his hands,he gave the surname of his father atleast in that way the baby can have a connection with his father,the sope couple and the maid was with him in his bad times.

Hoseok was cute and cheerful boy while with yoongi the boy was little bit grumpy,They all laughed together enjoyed fully but inside jimin was still in pain thinking about taehyung,The baby resembles a lot like Taehyung infact jimin always held him close to his heart like it was the most precious thing that taehyung ever gave him.

Jungkook was now 4yrs old and very naughty,he can't even stand for a second without being mischievous,But jimin being sweet never scolded jungkook,His kookie has never asked about his father but jimin know sooner or later the thing will come infront of him with jungkook asking about his father.

Jungkook is soon going to start his kindergarten,And jimin thought that maybe he should shift in Seoul because the education in Seoul is very high so in that jungkook can get a good education,while he himself will get a good job in cafe or restaurant because Seoul payments is High.

Sope couple took care of the trio but now it's time for them to bid their goodbye,Jimin thought that maybe taehyung has forgotten him and leading his life happily without knowing what is waiting for him.

Right now jimin was standing in the living room searching for a certain bunny boy who was hiding because he didn't want to have his breakfast.

Jimin: Jungkook now come out na,eat this baby.

But to his luck no baby bunny came out,but jimin also know the trick,he sat down on the couch with a pout,Not knowing that a pair of eyes are watching him with a pout.

Jimin:Oh kookie don't love mama that's why he is not coming out it's okay no one loves me.

And jimin proudly smiled when he felt two chubby hands wrapped around his neck from the back.

Jungkook:sorry mama,kookie will not hide again.*pout*
Jimin:No kookie hate mama na so he always trouble mama.

When jimin looked up he saw his baby looking up at him with a pout and teary eyes.

When jimin looked up he saw his baby looking up at him with a pout and teary eyes

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Jimin:ok,ok my baby I am not mad ok ,mama is not mad.

Jimin immediately scooped jungkook in his arms,he started pecking his whole face while jungkook just laughed.

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