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Right now jimin, jungkook and the maid sujin was in the airport,while yoongi and hoseok was there to drop them off, jungkook was in yoongi's arm's playing with his hair.

Yoongi:Jimin I have rent a apartment for you three,be safe ok,and pls be away from your in law's alright.
Jimin: Thank you yoongi and hoseok hyung for giving me a place to stay i don't know what would have i done if there is no place for me to stay.
Hoseok:Jimin you are like my younger brother and of course I need to take care of you and this little troublemaker of yours.
Jungkook: Sunshine I am not twouble maker,Mama is twouble maker and cumsy (clumsy).
Jimin:Oh really.

Jungkook nodded his head fastly while everyone chuckled at his act,Jimin always remember Taehyung whenever jungkook acts dramatic.

Soon they heard that their flight is about to take off,So they started bidding their goodbye to eachother.

Hoseok: Goodbye aunt sujin,jimin and bye bye kookie.
Jimin and sujin: goodbye.
Jungkook: Bye sunshine,bye Kitty cat.
Yoongi:Yah brat I am not cat ok,give me another nick name.
Jungkook:Hmm,ok then bye bye meow meow.

Everyone laughed at this, jungkook surely was the cutest,he always teases other's.

Yoongi:ok then take care everyone,Jimin again I am warning you be safe ok and pls keep my baby bunny safe.

Jimin nodded his head, hoseok and jimin hugged eachother after 5 YRS jimin was heading back to Seoul.
Taehyung was right now in his office completing some incomplete work,When his secretary entered in his cabin after knocking on the door.

Taehyung:Hmm speak *cold*
Secretary: Excuse me sir,Your daughter yumi is here to meet you.
Taehyung: Bring her to me.

Soon after sometime the door thud opened and in came a beautiful little girl.

Taehyung:My Princess.

Taehyung picked her up and peck her whole face,even if this little girl was not his own daughter but still he love her so much.

But soon taehyung stopped his act and went in his own deep thoughts,He love this little girl but still he always felt empty remembering his own child .

Yumi:Dadda can we got to the new cafe,which recently got opened.
Taehyung:Is it that new golden cafe which recently got opened near the airport.
Yumi:YES,can we go there please?
Taehyung:why not my princess,dadda is there to fulfill your every single wish my doll.

They both giggled and headed towards the 'golden cafe'.
The Busan flight landed in Seoul,And right now Jungkook was peacefully sleeping in Jimin's arms without any worry.

Jimin took a deep breath when he finally spotted Seoul,the city where he left his bad memories And now he was back but with a kid in his hands.

Maid: Don't worry Jimin everything will be fine.
Jimin:yes aunt but I am still very nervous what if I get to encounter with him again,i don't want that to happen.
Maid:Just be positive ok, nothing will happen you know right you are a strong jimin not that naive jimin.
Jimin:i know I am stronger but i don't want to face him,If he knows that I am in Seoul with his child then he will surely take my child away from me and I don't want that,i can't be away from my child even for a minute.
Maid:Jimin i know what a child matters to a mother but don't worry hmm nothing will happen to our kookie,even i am used to his giggling and troubling around.

Jimin just caressed jungkook's face who was sleeping with a pout on his face,Maid sujin took jungkook in her arms while jimin grabbed a taxi to the apartment which yoongi rent for them.

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