He felt the gun press deeper against his forehead and this made him shut his eyes as he could feel his life flash before his eyes.
This was it, this was how he'd die, alone on the cold hard ground of a deserted street, with no one to help him, no one to tell him it was okay.

All that suffering and he'd die by none other than Spade's hand, he let out a deep breath with his eyes still closed tightly.
He didn't hear the gun go off, only heard the sound of the trigger being pulled and like an alarm, he was pulled out of the never ending circle of a bad dream.

He sprang up from his bed with sweat dripping all over his body, even parts of him he didn't think could sweat, was dripping with sweat like he'd just stepped out of a shower or a heavy rain.

His throat tightened and clogged together as he tried to breath and stop his racing heart, it was only a nightmare, it was just a nightmare.
Spade wasn't chasing him on a dark empty street and he didn't have a gun pressed to his forhead.

He looked around frantically, wheezing for air, he realized he wasn't in his house back at the apartment building, he was in a different room, he let out a deep breath remembering the events of the previous day.

After he left Spade's office, he'd rushed down back to his, frightened and threatened, he met his sister there, already sleeping and being unable to do any work, he drove her back to their father's house.

She didn't let him go back to his place, she feared this would be the last time they'd spend together, so she made him pass the night at their father's house, they stayed up late talking and him trying to cheer her up and take her mind off the impending doom that awaited them the next day, he also used the opportunity to get his mind off his little encounter with Spade.

And now here he was drenched in cold sweat, having nightmares about Spade killing him in his dreams with the same gun he pointed at him the previous day in his office.
This would be the fourth time in one night he was waking up from a nightmare that involved Spade.

He looked at the bedside table, picking up his wristwatch, he looked at the time and it was almost past six am in the morning.
He ran his hands down his face before dropping the wristwatch back on the table he took off his shirt and stood up, pulling himself towards the bathroom lazily, he felt the heaviness settle in his head and his whole body felt tired.

He walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the sink, looking up at the mirror, he could see the black circles that covered both his eyes, his lips was chapped and his hair was rough, overall he looked homeless and very dead like a zombie.

He turned on the faucet and placed his palms under it, filling them with semi warm water, he splashed it on his face and felt it seep through his skin, giving him a little life inside.

He used a small towel to clean his face before he walked out of the bathroom, he plopped himself on the bed with a heavy sigh, placing his face in his palm, he reminisced on the dreams he'd had over night.
It all ended the same way, with Spade threatening to kill him.

He knew this dream was as a result of what happened the previous day, he kept thinking about it too much that he had to start dreaming about it too.
That was how his brain worked, repeating things that had happened during the day, making it difficult for him to sleep or get a proper rest.


He heard the knock on his door and his eyes cut through the room and landed on the door, trying to think of who he was expecting but no one came up.

He slowly got off the bed, picking up his sweatpants and pulling it up to cover his butt nakedness, he walked out of his bedroom and into the living room, he watched the door again listening to hear if the person was still there and on cue the doorbell went off again.

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