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Taking three steps forward, Tracy swung the bowling ball in a pendulum motion before letting it go with precise timing, while attentively observing its smooth roll down the lane

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Taking three steps forward, Tracy swung the bowling ball in a pendulum motion before letting it go with precise timing, while attentively observing its smooth roll down the lane.

It felt like everything was moving in slow motion before the ball finally reached its destination, knocking all the pins down, which burst like an explosion, marking the man's third strike of the night.

He fist-pumped the air like a child before turning around and chortling when he saw an annoyed expression on Sydney and her girlfriend, Ayanna's face; mad that he was winning.

The group of six was surrounded by bowlers who were preparing themselves by putting on their shoes before finding their bowling lane. While others were already playing in a match like them.

The sound of balls hitting the pins, along with background music and humbling conversations, echoed throughout the building and reached everyone's ears.

"Grips on your waist, front way, back way. You know that I don't play" Tracy teased, dancing his way over to them while singing "One Dance" by Drake.

"Streets not safe but I never run away, even when I'm away" Arkeisha laughed and joined her boyfriend teasing, standing up and dancing along with the man.

They looked ridiculous, swaying their bodies from side to side while waving their hands in the air before dragging them down their bodies. They puckered their lips out before lightly colliding their shoulders as if they were performing a routine.

"This used to be the shit back in 2016! Ayeeee, go baeee! I'm weak as shittt" The dark-skinned woman hollered, looking at her man once he started doing the TikTok dance she forced him to learn not too long ago.

OT, OT, there's never much love when we go OT. I pray to make it back in one piece, I pray, I pray.

"Bring back this Drake! He was so fire"

"Y'all can keep cheering all y'all want. But when me and Ayanna catch up, don't say nothing!" Sydney playfully rolled her eyes, standing up because it was now her turn.

The group of friends had been bowling for two hours prior to their arrival, and everything was going well. Their first game lasted for about fifty minutes, and it was truly the most enjoyable moment the group had in a while.

They were also a little tipsy because Kash secretly bought Tito's inside the building by hiding the bottle under her shirt. So it made everything more interesting and funny.

However, when Tracy and Arkeisha had won the first game, Xamira and Trevon decided to quit right there and then because they already didn't know what they were doing. That's why the couple was sitting down at the food court and hugging up on each other. Leaving Ayanna and Sydney in the company of Tracy and Kash.

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