At the words though, Hikari glared before scoffing as she turned towards the commissioned agent.

And when they met each other's eyes, the woman hissed. "Don't look at me like that, it's disgusting."

Turning his head, the man gaped in confusion. "Like what?"

Hikari only lowered her brow though, not moving a muscle. "You know what. Wipe that damn look from your face, Hotaru."

And he did know exactly what she was talking about, whether he liked it or not. Right now, Shadow was looking at her as a hero, as a treasured member of society and as if she was a good person, not a villain.

But he couldn't help it, after hearing about her protecting his brother and now this liberation kid Shadow couldn't draw those invisible lines anymore, and Hikari seemed to know it as well.

And for some reason, the woman seemed to hate that little fact.

Trying his best to follow her instructions, the man then closed his eyes before speaking plain. "How can I when you keep giving me reasons not to hate you?"

He then watched as Hikari physically flitched, her body growing tense before he watched her mangled feathers open outwards in order to tower over him with a dark chuckle of intimidation. "Careful Hotaru, that's a dangerous sentiment. What would the president say?"

At the sound of the president's name, Shadow felt his fingers ball into tight fists. She was right. The boss would be disappointed by his feelings. Everything he thought about Hikari now was wrong, it was so far away from the cut and dry explanations she gave him.

And that possibility was suffocating, the idea wrapping around him like a noose of his own design. Did she know that would happen, was that why she brought up the president? He didn't know but he wouldn't have put it past her.

Although his thoughts were quickly cut off as Hikari's fingers latched into his chin before pulling his head up so that they were eye level "I mean, how do you know I'm not playing you right now? Are you sure you're not falling into my evil little villainous hands? Hmm? Maybe that's my plan all along, to make you feel pity for a poor washed up loser like me.."

Looking into her crazed stare, Shadow couldn't help but frown, knowing she had given him this lack of distance just so she would display just how serious she was.

And for a moment, he did think about it. Could she be right, was Valkyrie making him feel like this? Had she done all of this for some sick plan?

But even so, something within him had doubts. "If that was your plan, you wouldn't have told me that.."

Hikari's grip only tightened through, like she was pissed off by his analysis before she quickly covered it up with another bitter chuckle. 'You really think so, how can you be so sure? I mean, you said it before when we first met. I'm highly manipulative and a pathological liar. Sounds like you should be more careful of saying those foolish little phrases before it gets you hurt."

That caused the agent to pause. She was right after all, a couple months ago he would've called bullshit on her soft and heroic side. It would've been easy to write Valkyrie off like she wanted. But after Yuto and seeing her actions up close, even Shadow wasn't a hundred percent sure of her intentions.

Because call him crazy, but it sounded like she was trying to lead him to believe a narrative that wasn't true. It was like she was saying all this stuff just to push him away, to think of her as a plain villain like before.

Not letting her win, the agent only remained silent at that, allowing Hikari's fingers to remain latched onto his skin even though he could've removed them at any moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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