What Have I Done?

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Most of this chapter is more Hawks' perspective since we know what Hikari's thoughts and feelings are about all of this already. I wanted the readers to be just as blinded by her intentions as Hawks is in order to make the pain even more spicy. Hope you enjoy!


As Hawks and Hikari's silent footsteps echoed through the streets, the bird felt his feathers ruffle with anxiety for every step he took. He had gone over the plan in his mind about a thousand times now but even then the man couldn't feel at peace. No, he wouldn't allow himself to relax until this was all over.

Every move was like he was walking an invisible tightrope, leading his little sister unknowing into the den of wolves that awaited them, the wolves that were surely aiming to tear her apart as soon as she arrived.

He had set it up, all of it. Just for a meeting with Valkyrie, just for a conversation in order to get those stolen files back. Hawks had sold his sister without a second thought and as they reached closer to their destination, that realization rested inside of him like a heavy rock.

Get the files and get out, that was the plan.

In his head it was so incredibly simple, the bird glancing behind him only to see his sister's big bright yellow eyes blink back in pure innocence, innocence for what was about to happen.

At the look, the hero then turned back around, focusing on a thousands of other thoughts swirling around in his brain at the moment, all of them laced with heavy self hatred for what was about to happen.

He was so disgusting, so vile for all of this. And the worst was, if this was anyone else, if he had sold anyone else for information Hawks knew it wouldn't feel as guilty. He knew he would be able to write off his own sins.

That's it Hawks, just get in and get out. You have to protect Hika-chan with your life and you can't let her find out about this, about you, about who you really are. The mission has to be safe, she has to be safe.

But what Hawks didn't know is that behind him, Hikari walked with her own clouded thoughts, the bird completely blind to the dark and murderous look in her eyes, just a couple feet away.

They were distant and emotionless, staring into her brothers back like heavy daggers waiting to strike as she matched her pace with the man behind her, utter distaste and contempt behind her twisted lips and white knuckles.

And if he had bothered to turn around maybe he would've seen it, but sadly the hero was too wrapped up in his own mind to even look at his sister, to see what would soon play out.

He was always like that.

Reaching their destination, Hawks sucked in an anxious breath before wordlessly opening the doors of the abandoned mall before hearing his sister's small voice ring out with heartbreaking curiosity. "Kei-chan? What are we doing here, I thought we were shopping today?"

The hero then pushed his lips together in order to even his voice before turning back towards his sister with a fake grin, trying to hide his growing nervous nature. "Hmm? Oh well, I gotta do something here first and then we can go. Come on, don't you trust me little sis?"

He hated his manipulative words, almost as much as he hated seeing Hikari's response, her blind faith causing her lips to turn in a smile before nodding back. "Okay, but can we hurry? This place is kind of scary.."

Feeling his wings twitch at her innocent demeanor, Hawks nodded his head once before remaining silent. He hated this, he hated himself for going through with this. Hikari really trusted him and look at what he was doing?

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