The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2

622 31 28

Three Years Ago

Hikari: Age 17

One Month before Valkyrie


There is an NSFW part in this chapter. You should know where it is towards the end if you've been following what happened in the past but I tried to make it short. Read at your own risk. 

As Hikari took another uneven step on the pristine marble floor, she felt her feet immediately betray her as she swayed side to side with a gasp. Who decided to invent heels anyway, the devil? The girl wouldn't have even been surprised if that was the case given the struggles she was currently going through.

Narrowing her eyes in concentration, the blonde then pushed her lips together as she attempted to steady her own body all at once. That's it, just focus. You can do this. You can do this.

The boy beside her couldn't help but snort though at her antics, taking in her obviously uncomfortable stance before calling back to her with a heckle. "What are you doing, you look stupid.

Hikari frowned at his unhelpful comment immediately, pushing her arms outwards only for the swaying to finally stop. Ah there we go.

Gasping in excitement, the girl felt a surge of confidence go through her before forcing herself to take a step in order for him to eat his words. "Ah, Touya! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this!"

Yet as soon as her feet lifted up, the girl immediately caved under her own weight, gasping in surprise before her entire body fell flat on her face and rather ungracefully in front of the very boy she was trying to impress.

Feeling a wave of embarrassment course through her, Hikari's entire face began to burn with bright red, choosing to bury her face into the ground before she heard Touya's loud cackling laughter echo behind her.

Apparently he found her little stunt to be the funniest thing in the word, the white haired kid pointing at the fallen bird with soft heavy giggles. "I thought birds were supposed to be graceful. Maybe you really are a chicken after all."

Hikari gasped in offense at that, still not lifting her head from the ground in order to quell her embarrassment. He did have a point after all, she really wasn't the most graceful. "W-What, I'm not a chicken!"

Once again her annoyance caused Touya to giggle wildly, looking down at her heeled shoes before purposely crouching in front of her in order to poke the top of her head. "Really? Cause you could've fooled me. You even got the chicken legs to prove it."

Grumbling, Hikari quickly lifted her hand up in order to swat the boy away all at once. Except sadly she was only able to hit air, Touya watching with clear amusement at her attempt. "Ooooh youuu, stop it! It's not funny!"

The boy's smile softened at that though, turning his head in order to fully look at the depressed and fuming bird in front of him. "Actually yeah it is, it's hysterical actually."

Hikari frowned under the marble at that. Well at least someone was having the time of his life. Let's see him try to do this. I bet he'd be just as bad.

Yet that's when she felt her friend poke her once again, his voice far more gentle then the teasing tone he had used before. "Now come on, you gonna sit on the floor all day or what?"

Looking up from her depressed prison, Hikari then blinked only to find Touya's outstretched hand in front of her vision, the boy looking rather embarrassed at the kind gesture. Wait, was he offering to help her up? How sweet.

Not wanting to take this moment for granted, the girl's palm slid into his easily, ignoring the flutter of butterflies that filled her stomach at the action before he pulled her upwards onto her unsteady feet. "O-Oh, uhh thanks."

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