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From the moment he was born, Todoroki Touya seemingly knew that his life would never be normal.

And that was simply because his father had made it so.

As soon as his highly impressive fire quirk appeared, Endeavor seemed to see a potential in the boy and spared no time in order to achieve his own selfish desire.

Gone were childhood memories and learning to be a kid. Instead, the boy was brought up in a rather different environment entirely, one that solely relied on beating his fathers lifelong rival and the current number one hero, All Might.

Although it's not as if Touya minded, fully committing to the role Endeavor had laid before him in order to train and strengthen his quirk day by day. That's all he seemed to do, sleep, eat, train, repeat.

But that's all he had ever known, so the red haired child didn't see anything wrong with the soldier's way of raising him.

The small bedroom he resided in and training arena across the hall became the only places he'd ever frequent but they quickly turned into Touya's favorite places, knowing that when he entered them he'd receive the best and most addicting drug of all.

His Dad's approval.

That's right, the only thing the boy seemed to care about was the tiny small nods of approval and acceptance he would get every single time he completed a new level of training. It didn't matter if his body felt like jelly after the workouts, he didn't care that he was isolated with no friends or didn't have anything to do with the outside world. None of that mattered.

Endeavor seemed to encourage his close minded behavior as well, allowing the child to push himself in order to get closer and closer to the end goal at hand. To him, he didn't see a problem with it, knowing that was exactly how he was raised as well.

And everything was perfect in their small little world.

That's how the day started anyways, just like every single one before as the sweat on Touya's brow started to pour down his face before his own heavy labored breath filled the space immediately.

But even still, the boy didn't stop as his hands erupted in blazing red inferno, the light illuminating Endeavor's stern and ever watchful face a couple feet away. Waiting and watching per usual.

His fathers stare only brought pure adrenaline to the red haired child as tears began to leak from his eyes as he pushed the power of his quirk to its limit. Then with a screaming cry, Touya's hands pushed out a large sized fireball into the training area as it burned the sandbag next to him into ash and smoke.

Heaving out a strained breath, the boy immediately then turned to his father only to see him nod in approval at his accomplishment. "You've managed to strengthen your quirk by 80% more power today. Impressive. But, don't get cocky, you're going to need far more to defeat All Might."

And as Touya's breath softened, the glow in his eyes was noticeable as the small boy felt his lips curve upwards in reply. "Don't worry, dad. I'm not going to let you down. Just watch, I'm going to beat him and become number one just for you."

His words were a broken record, something that Endeavor had heard a million times before. So much so, that the man simply closed his eyes at the absolute passion in his son's voice, a passion that he had manufactured many years ago. "You're on the right track, but only time will truly tell the future. For now, just keep up with the training regimens and we shall see."

Immediately nodding his head, the red haired child then bawled his hands into tight fists in order to ignore how numb his muscles actually were. "I promise."

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