The Test

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Content contains dark themes. Might be triggering to some.

Standing at the entrance of the mansion, the three remained in absolute silence as Hawks glanced over to his sister and Dabi. It was obvious there was some tension between the two of him.

Hell, they weren't even looking at each other which was strange, usually the villains loved to play around and tease one another every second they got.

But now, they were just quiet, stewing in their own thoughts as the two purposely stood far apart from one another. He had never seen them before like this, so serious, so bothered by something.

Alpha returned only twenty minutes later, stepping through the entryway before bowing towards his boss automatically. "I've gathered what you've requested, the location of the key and where to find them."

Blinking in surprise, the bird couldn't help but be slightly impressed. He thought it would've taken a lot longer to find this dude. "Whoa kid, that was really fast. How did you do that?"

The silver haired boy answered a moment later, straightforward and plain as always. "My quirk allows me to gather intel and gather information. If I think about a target then my quirk will tell me who they are connected to and who has the information I need. Using Valkyrie's followers as reference it only took a couple calls to find out where he was."

Hikari's brother felt himself gasp at that. No wonder why this kid was sold off because of his quirk. He could see how something like that would be very powerful in a villain's hands. This kid could see connections? That was crazy.

Yet Hiakri didn't seem to be as impressed, already knowing Alpha's talents before narrowing her eyes with unamusement.

Even her voice was short, the cold nature of it causing her brother to freeze. "We are wasting time. If you have it then let's go."

And as much as Hawks wanted to admire his sister's determination and new serious side, he couldn't help but feel slightly worried. She wasn't acting like herself at all. Even as a villain Hikari was still pretty playful.

But here she only seemed deadly serious, almost like the girl found no type of fun within this mission. He wondered why that was, why she was like a completely different person?

Watching her turn away, the bird then reached forward before grabbing onto her arm only for his sister to flinch at the surprise contract and pull away to meet his concerned face.

And now she was flinching again too? She really wasn't acting like herself.

So much so that Hawks put his hands up in defense in order to show that he meant no harm before calling back to her. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on Hikari. Don't think you can do this without me. I'm here to help, remember?"

He then gave a reassuring smile only for the girl to lower her eyes towards him with newfound shame, like she didn't really enjoy that idea all that much.

Reply back shortly, her serious nature returned, the business-like tone of her words ever present. "This isn't something you can help with. I'm sure Re-Destro has spies about the area so he would know if your stupid little wings got in the way."

And although her brother hated it, he knew somewhere she was right. That liberation guy was probably watching them somehow, and if he butted in then taking them down was going to be even harder.

So because of that, the hero bit his lip with conflict before allowing his shoulders to slump with defeat. "Fine. But if I can't help then I at least want to be there."

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