The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1

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Four Years Ago

Hikari: Age 16

Four Months before Valkyrie

Allowing a hopeful smile to spread across her lips, Hikari gazed out towards the setting sun before her with bated breath, waiting for her best friend to show up again for their weekly chat.

Sure, Touya had never actually called her his "best friend" once but the girl had seemingly taken on the title regardless, the two still meeting at least twice a week in order to just talk about their lives and to get away from whatever reality had given them.

And these little moments were what Hikari treasured most, they were the things she thought about when she was out on missions, when she was forced to seduce or manipulate another client, when she was touched and hurt emotionally and physically.

Time and time again she would always just think about the moments after the trauma, the time when the job ultimately ended and she would be back in her safe space once again. That's what she reveled in, seeing the boy she loved once more.

Hikari's face fell at the very term, knowing that her feelings for the boy were still sometimes rather hidden to him. Hell, Touya didn't even know that he was the one she thought about every single time she had to let someone do as they pleased.

His kiss, it still lingered in the back of her mind, causing a light blush to reach across her cheeks. And maybe it didn't mean anything to him but for Hikari, that singular kiss was something she would never forget, even if Touya never knew her feelings.

He had enough to think about anyways, with his father and his family. The last thing she wanted to do was hinder him from his dreams and ruin everything with her foolish weak little heart.

But even still, the bird knew she loved him, she loved him so much that she could barely even stand it. Her Touya, the boy that came into her life and made her strong, made her believe in herself.

She loved that ever since the night she told him about her assault, Touya had doubled their meetings, always making sure to get her mind off of whatever disgusting thing she had to do prior, she loved that he never mentioned it unless she was comfortable, she loved that he was always there for her, emotionally and physically.

That's all she wanted after all, not someone to take away her pain or erase the horrible events but rather just someone to be by her side no matter what, someone to give her hope that someday things will be better.

And Touya was her hope, just as her brother was all those years ago.

Just then, the door to the rooftop flew open as Hikari's heart immediately did a small summersalt inside her chest, already knowing who was on the other side. "Ah, welcome back Touya!"

Yet the moment she turned around, the girl felt herself pause, taking in Touya's strange outward appearance all at once with a confused flap of her wings.

He didn't look happy in the slightest. In fact, the boy looked rather angry, with his hands balled into tight fists as heavy smoke and blue flicks of fire peaked from under his arms and bandaged palms.

On further inspection it seemed that Touya also had dried tears strained across his eyes, the boy's cheeks red and puffing from his overwhelming emotions. But what the hell happened? Why did he look like that? "Touya, what's wrong?"

Knowing he hadn't fooled her in the slightest, the white haired boy pushed his lips together with unkempt disdain before walking past her with a huff. "I can't believe it, I can't believe he'd do this to me.."

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