Long Way To Go...

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Flying to his destination, Hawks took in the heavy breeze before his mind went in a thousand different directions, and all of them had to deal with the events that happened last night.

It was almost too much to process. Hikari's betrayal to Dabi, the girl saving his life only to blackmail him into another demand. Everything was getting far more twisted than he had ever imagined and now the bird was at a loss on what to do next.

He had promised his sister that he'd help her get close to the commission but could he really do that? Yes they were related but she was also a villain which made things way more complicated than usual.

On one hand he wanted to help her in any way that he could, but on the other hand he knew he couldn't let the woman get away with these kinds of crimes under his nose.

It was as if Keigo and Hawks were having an unnamed debate with the very idea.

Rubbing a tired hand over his face, the bird sighed before landing in front of the league's secret hideout as he tried to shake off all of his anxiety at once.

He could worry about this later, for now he just had to be the good little traitor, the one that he had been hiding behind for months.

The mission was still there after all, and the hero wasn't about to let it fail.

That's right, he just had to start out fresh, positively for once. There was no time to freak out, he just had to be calm and lay low for now..

Pushing the doors openly happily, Hawks held up two cups of coffee before seeing Toga and Twice sitting in the corner of the dingy living room, the two remaining quite silent. "Heyo everyone! How's it going?"

Although that's when he heard it.

Whatever it was, it sounded like two large elephants stomping above them, two very distinct voices screaming at each other from an unknown source as Toga only looked at her nails unbothered. What the hell was going on?!

"Uhh, what's that?"

The blond haired psychopath only giggled though, pointing towards the stairs with a shrug as she continued to sharpen her knives. "It's Dabi and his girlfriend. Don't worry, they are always like this. It will be over soon.."

Yet her words seemed to make the bird even more anxious, his eyes darting to where she had pointed only to hear something break and shatter a moment later.

Hold on, were they fighting? Was she in trouble?!

Quickly feeling his wings give a nervous flap, the hero then quickly turned up the stairs in order to find out what the hell was going on. Maybe Dabi had found out about his sister's betrayal and was trying to kill her?!

Feeling his mind run in circles, Hawks began to spiral as he ascended the stairs.

Hikari, where is Hikari?! She's upstairs right?

Wait, hold on.

Did Toga just call Hikari Dabi's girlfriend?! What the hell, over my dead body..!!

No no no hold on, that's not what's important, Hikari could be in trouble. I have to save her!

The noises grew even louder before Hawks threw open the door with a huff, his wild eyes finally fixated on the sight before him. "Hikari..!!"

Gasping in utter panic, the bird found his little sister laying on the ground a couple feet away, Dabi's boot pressed into the side of her face with a mocking smirk as he pushed down with a little more pressure.

All of his feathers began to sharpen in fury at the sight, as Hawks' mind turned murderous without hesitation. He needed to stop this immediately.

It didn't matter if he'd ruin the mission, this psychopath was about to murder his sister!

Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora