Are You Sure You Don't Care?

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When Hawks felt his phone ring in his back pocket, the bird didn't really think much of it at the time, considering nine times out of ten it was always either his agency or the president demanding an update on the case.

    Just the very sound caused the man to cringe, wondering what kind of unwilling demands or requests will be asked of him next. It had become the norm after all, being forced to comply with anything and everything the president asked him to do.

    Although, whether it was out of his own consciousness or fear, the bird had yet to tell her about his sister, about how she was still alive, and about how the body the commission found all those years ago wasn't actually Takami Hikari.

    Now, don't get him wrong, he was desperate to find out the truth, to figure out why the  mix up occurred in the first place but Hawks wasn't stupid. He knew exactly where that conversation could lead if it ever came up.

You see, It wouldn't just stop there, no he knew that woman wouldn't take such information lightly in the slightest. In fact, if the president found out that Hikari was alive, then it was only a matter of time before she discovered her villain persona as well.

Hero society didn't take the idea of villains well after all, and he wasn't sure if the president would try to take his sister prisoner or not. That wasn't something he could risk, given that they were just getting somewhere with their relationship.

Because once the president decided something, it was almost impossible to disagree.

He had learned that first hand, the man recalling him getting shut down everytime he asked to visit his sister, everytime that woman ordered him to do something unpleasant and ignore blatant crimes for the mission at hand.

The sad fact was, he just wasn't strong enough to go against her, not even his entire life, his entire livelihood was dancing in the palm of her hands. Without the commission, he was nobody after all, just a scared little child and that couldn't do anything for his sister.

And that was the last thing he ever wanted to be.

As the phone began to ring a couple more times, the bird felt himself groan before taking the object out with a grumble. He had just gotten back home from patrolling after all, what could anyone want now?

Although, when he saw his sister's name appear across the screen, the bird froze.

Wait, Hikari was calling him?

Well that was certainly strange, he hadn't expected that. Sure, he told her that she could but the bird hadn't expected his sister to actually take his offer in the slightest. She even seemed bothered by it when he first brought it up in his agency.

So her calling now, it was out of character, the very idea causing Hawks' chest to swirl with a million uncertain thoughts. What was the reason, he needed to know.

Turning his head in concern, Hawks then pressed accept before lifting the object to his ear in question. He didn't know why but he had a bad feeling about this. ""Hikari? What's wrong, are you okay?"

A small bit of silence appeared as the bird heard his own anxious breath echo through the line. Why wasn't she saying anything, did she call him by mistake? What was happening?

Yet that's when Hawks heard a small scared whimper echo back as Hikari just barely gasped between her sobs. "K-Keigo, I don't know what to do..."

Widening his eyes at the sound of her voice, the bird felt all of his feathers twitch in fear and surprise. Did he just hear that right?

She called him Keigo.

Not Hawks, not bird brain, not any other name.

No, she called him Keigo.

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