Pull and Push

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Strong hands pushed a silver haired boy out into the crowd as his own eyes were covered by a thick black blind fold. There was a small mummering of voices next to him but he hardly cared, the kid only drowning them all out.

And as he was dragged through the people, the child could only allow it to happen, knowing that it was pointless to run away, to wish for something different. He learned that long ago, the last time he tried to leave still burning inside his mind like a horrible reminder.

That's right, no one wanted him, he was alone, broken and unneeded.

It all started seven years ago, the boy recalling the first time he was taken from his family before watching them being murdered and sold off to some sort of rich villain across the country.

Back then it was all so scary, being claimed and owned by some random group.

But then it happened again and again, the boy continuing to be hopped around after being proved no longer useful for various different reasons. Sometimes it was because his quirk wasn't powerful enough for them, sometimes they just didn't like the way he acted, and sometimes it was simply because they had just gotten sick of him.

That's why he was here this time anyways, because his last owners proved it more valuable to sell him then keep him around for whatever villainous purpose.

And as sad as it was, the silver haired kid had gotten used to the routine, his covered eyes glazed over as he was pushed into the center of a large crowd before rough hands removed the blindfold.

Fixing his gaze, the boy then found hundreds of people staring at him, all of them hungry for whatever he could offer as their masked faces made his head spin.

He wondered what kind of master he would have this time, what they would do to him, what they would be like.

The burly man quickly raised an eye before pushing the kid by the shoulders, his voice loud and booming, so much so that it made his ears hurt. "Next up, we have number zero. Quirk: Information. He can gather data, speed read any length of writing in a millisecond and has an extensive memory. Who wants to start the bidding?"

Voice began to bustle and raise at his description of the boy, their eyes scanning everything about him in order to see if he was worthy enough of their time or not. He hardly seemed to care though, his vacant eyes still staring ahead in hopes that this nightmare would end soon.

But just like all the times before, he knew there would be no one to save him.

Yet that's when he heard one voice above the rest, the tone carrying through the entire room as a female's hand raised from the back room. "Oh, I'm gonna stop you right there. Bidding won't be necessary."

Then everyone turned to find a singular woman towards the entrance, her amber filled eyes gazing at the tied up child before her with such curiosity and silent wonder.

And as the two stared, the silver haired kid couldn't help but notice two things about this strange new girl in front of him.

The first was her presence, simply commanding the room into silence with no more than a couple words. He didn't know why, but the moment she spoke, it seemed like everyone stopped, like they could feel the changed air also.

And the second was black cane she was leaning on, the top shining with a massive large jewel as swirling it around in her fingers. Wait, he knew that cane anywhere, the boy having seen it at couple party's and gathering with a couple of his last owners.

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