Just Like His Father

522 31 16

As Hawks pushed the phone up to his ear, the bird heard the loud beeping of an answering machine echo back just as quickly, causing the man to immediately frown. What the hell, he was just trying to reach the president about this whole war thing and she was sending him to voicemail?

It was something that the man had thought of after hearing Endeavor try to gather up his own group of heroes just a couple feet away, the man's gruff voice allowing him to lower his phone in defeat.

Ah, shit. The president was probably pissed at him for ghosting her these last couple weeks, that's why she wasn't answering now. But it wasn't his fault, okay? Between Hikari's villainous identity and the liberation's cameras, the man was stuck.

Although this was probably the worst time for the woman to ignore him as they were literally just minutes away from bringing an all out war to the liberation in order to protect all of hero's society. You'd think that would be something the president would want to know about? Apparently not.

Noticing his annoyed demeanor, Hikari couldn't help but turn her head before poking her brother in the side with a frown. "What's up with you? Why's your face look all ugly? I mean, it looks ugly all the time but right now it's like realllyyy ugly."

Her brother felt his eyes roll at her vague insult before shoving his phone back inside his pocket. At least she seemed to be enjoying herself. "Sorry, I was just tryin to fill the commission in on everything since it's been awhile and a lot has happened."

Yet at the mention of the commission, he watched as Hikari's back turned rigid and uncomfortable before Hawks realized that his sentence probably came out wrong. He didn't want her to think he was trying to sell her out or anything.

Doing his best to make her relax, the bird quickly put his hands up to clarify. "Not about you of course, just about the war and everything."

That seemed to do the trick, the girl's shoulders slumping with a silent relief before she seemed to actually think about what he was saying. "Why?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the bird replied back. "I don't know, I guess I thought that if they heard about this war then they'd sent reinforcements to help us out, you know?"

Hawks seemed to believe those words also.

Of course, most of his reasoning for connecting her was because he felt inclined to tell the president everything. That's just always how it was, she would give an order and he'd inform her on very last detail until the job was completed.

It's what he'd been conditioned to do since the beginning and even now the bird still felt slightly uneasy about keeping certain things from her along the way. He'd never done that before, usually he was an open book for that woman.

But these last fews months had caused Hawks to withdraw, knowing that the president was already after his sister's villain persona, something that he had helped with unknowingly when he brought Shadow to meet with her. Oops, that wasn't his brightest moment.

He just couldn't risk it, he couldn't risk the president taking his little sister away, he couldn't risk her giving him another horrible order that he'd have to obey, he couldn't risk any of it.

That's why he was only going to tell her about the easiest things to explain, the war and nothing more. As far as the president was concerned, Hikari the villain, Hikari his little sister didn't exist.

And that's how he wanted it to stay, forever.

Hikari on the other hand, only seemed disgusted by the meaning of the call, her lips twisting with cynical distaste. "Don't waste your breath. It's better if those assholes aren't involved."

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