Keigo's Sister Part 2

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Content Creates Dark Themes and Mentions of Sucide.
Might be triggering to some.

    Lifting his eyes to the plain white colored ceiling, Touya felt a sigh escape his lips and sink further into his bed. It had been hours since he got home and even still the silence that filled the space was suffocating. It was always like that, following him like some kind of monster, seeping into his skin in the quietest moments.

    And each second, he could feel his mind slowly slipping away from him as his own destructive thoughts started to take hold and mold him into something different. Someone different.

It's why he spent most of his time busy, why he focused on training and physically pushed himself from exhaustion. Sure, it was to prove his father that he was worth it but that wasn't the only reason.

That's not why Touya distracted himself with a million tasks at once.

It was because the moment he was alone, Touya couldn't help but feel the weighing pressure on his mind, threatening to burn him from the inside out until there was nothing left. He heard it all, his doubt, his anguish, his hurt and his helplessness.

They were weak, such weak emotions and the moment that he started to feel them resurface, Touya shoved them down and pushed them away until the hurt was so far deep inside himself that it had disappeared.

He couldn't be weak after all, because then that meant that Endeavor was right.

That he wasn't worthy of being the head of the family.

Laying down in his empty bedroom, Touya's chest began to twist in pain, knowing that his dark and dangerous thoughts were starting to appear once again. He could feel it, the unruly emotions slowly leaking through the cracks as the boy tried his best to distract himself from the lonely anguish.

He knew he couldn't lay here forever, that he needed to find another subject to distract him before his quirk activated on instinct. There were voices now, taunting him, and tormenting him as the darkest parts of his mind opened up without permission.

Why are you even trying so hard? You know it's a lost cause.

Just give up and prove that he's right. It will make everything easier.

Your family doesn't even need you anymore.

It would be better if you didn't exist.

You should just die. It's what everyone wants.

Closing his eyes to ease the pain, Touya then forced his muscles to push himself off the bed in a heavy gasp before immediately looking around the room in a daze in order to find his jacket. No, no, stop it. I'm not giving up. Stop thinking like that. You're wrong.

Then he hastily put on the black colored fabric before rushing out the door in order to distance himself from the dangerous ideas. No, he couldn't stay there anymore. It was too much, it was all too much for him.

Barely acknowledging the silence and empty house, Touya then raced outside the main gate before hearing the soft bustling of the streets around him. Then all at once, the internal thoughts disappeared with the cold winter chill.

And that's how he stayed, wandering the roads and alleyways for hours on end until the sun began to set and the soft glow from the street lamps began to light the way. But Touya hardly cared about the time, the boy checking his phone every hour on the hour, hoping that he would receive a message from his family.

Something that could show them that they had returned home and that they were looking for him. He had left with no word after all, surely anyone would be worried about their brother in a villain infested city like this.

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