Enemies To Lovers?

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Rubbing his exhausted eyes, Shadow frowned before making his way to the training room a couple doors down. The commission president seemed adamant to see him for some reason but the tattooed man could only think about other matters entirely. In fact, it was the very same matter that had kept him up all night with absolutely no sleep.

And that was the unknown fate of his little brother, Yuto.

He still hadn't recovered in the slightest, and why should he have? His only family had disappeared years ago with no sign of return. And last night the only thing he could think about was his tragic life, and how he was so goddamn blind in trusting the president's words.

Sure, she was partly right. If he found out about Yuto all those years ago he probably would've left the commission, and that was something that the world couldn't afford. He had helped and saved thousands of people over the years, without them they would've been as good as dead.

What he had done for society was good, and as the president said, it should've justified his abandonment. It should've detached him from reasonability.

But try as he may to reason with his blinded intentions, Shadow still couldn't help but feel sick. His brother, he was probably dead already, he would probably never see him again. The reality was heartbreaking in every single way.

Sighing to himself, the agent then opened the doors to the viewing platform that overlooked the training arena only to immediately hear the sound of groaning and screaming from down below.

He turned his head in question, moving up to the glass only to widen his eyes at the scene before him.

Because there in the training room was Valkyrie, with wings outstretched and feathers flying wildly as she brutally took down every single agent that came barreling towards her. And he meant brutally.

They tried to grab her for sure, but it seemed like the bird was always too quick, her fists ramming themselves into their face as blood flew from another agent's nose and tumbled to the floor in the heavy groan.

And as the blood dripped from her knuckles, the woman hardly cared, her wings flapping once before she glanced back to Shadow with a dark rather murderous look in her eyes, almost like she had sensed his gawking.

The tattoo man felt a chill run down his spine at that, sensing the change in her demeanor immediately. He had researched Valkyrie and had watched her every move in the last couple days and yet the agent could clearly tell that there was something darker about her now.

Because as her clouded amber stare stared into his soul, Valkyrie really did look like a villain, in every sense of the word.

And a part of him made him wonder what had happened, what caused this sudden shift? Hell, just yesterday she looked like a corpse but right now he could see the utter fire in her demeanor.

Shadow didn't have a chance to think about it though, hearing a voice echo behind him a moment later. "Impressive, isn't she? Looks like all that hurt from Touya finally brought that fire back."

He turned to find the president's cruel smile, her eyes traveling down to the arena in calculation as the agent frowned. He couldn't help it, he still didn't feel comfortable with the boss after her sudden confession about his brother.

"In fact, right now you're looking at our newest commission agent."

At that, Shadow couldn't help but drop his jaw in shock. She wasn't actually thinking about making a villain a commissioned agent? No, that was insane. "What? You can't be serious, boss. She's a villain. You know we can't trust her."

Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon