Things Aren't Always What They Seem

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 Standing above the city, Dabi and Hikari looked down from the rooftop they inhabited before the girl raised her hands towards the sky with an anxious stretch. "Well, it looks like they're here. Took long enough."

Then she pointed to the row of heroes making their way inside of the very building they were standing on, obviously too focused on the fake mission the league had called in for them to find. Stupid heroes, they didn't even fact check their sources.

Dabi glanced over to the blonde haired girl before lowering his eyes towards her back, already sensing the emotions in her stance. "What, don't tell me you're going to chicken out on me princess?"

"Seriously? When are you going to quit it with that stupid nickname?"

Although the man couldn't help but smirk at her annoyance, knowing he'd never stop using it. "If it keeps getting a reaction like this I can't say when I will."

Rolling her eyes, Hikari scoffed before using her palms to push her hands into the man's chest playfully. "You're an ass, you know that?"

"And yet you're still here. Seems like your taste in men is just as terrible as it always is. "

This caused the girl to laugh to herself bitterly before looking over the side of the building to see the heroes filter inside. As much as this kind of chit-chat always got under her skin, this was not the time for his bastard behavior. They had work to do.

"Shove it. The only reason I'm here is because I owe you. Don't think of it as anything else Dabi."

And yeah, maybe those nights that they had shared had given the man a crazy amount of confidence but now was not the time to boost his ego. He had enough of that as it was. "Besides, it's almost time."

She then moved past him to prove her point causing the purple skinned man to watch as she went, scanning her up and down as he usually did with a smirk. "Wouldn't dream of it. You gotta stay focused, remember?"

Rolling her eyes once more, the two made their way down the stairs before overlooking the heroes from the landing above as they searched for a missing kid that would never reveal itself.

Hikari then leaned over the railing before scoffing at the scene. "Those idiots sure are adamant today. So, what's the plan to get me down there? It can't look suspicious and I gotta have enough injuries to be sent to the hospital for Kei to find me."

Sure they had a plan but the minor details were still to her desired, Dabi reassuring that a little surprise here and there would make the job far more interesting.

Yeah, well Hikari wasn't really kind of person so she couldn't help but be a little concerned about how they were going to pull this off.

And heroes were stupid most of the time but this really had to look convincing, otherwise they would be majorly screwed. "Dabi, are you even listening to me? We are running out of time. I gotta get down there..."

She watched the group start to move their way towards their area, just a floor below, before Dabi's mind immediately started thinking as a cruel smirk crept onto his lips.

That was never good, she hated that look more than anything, especially when it was directed to her.

"Hey princess, do you trust me?"

His tone seemed slightly sinister, causing Hikari to turn her brow in concern. Trust wasn't really a thing for her, and he knew that. "No, I don't actually."

Although that only seemed to make the villain chuckle under his breath before taking a step behind her and whispering low into her ear. "Good."

Then he took his hands before pushing the blonde haired girl from the balcony, Hikari's eyes widening in surprise as she watched his silhouette start to fade almost immediately.

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