Fake It Till You Make It

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 Giving the cheesiest smile of his life, Hawks' wings puffed out in excitement as he gestured to the blonde haired girl next to him. His voice was practically brimming with confidence as he spoke, allowing the tone to carry across the entire agency.

"Heyo everyone! If I could get your attention please. I would like you all to meet the newest sidekick to the Hawks agency! This is Hikari, a good friend of mine and I hope you will welcome her with open arms!"

Everyone around their boss immediately turned towards the girl, expecting the usual response from her, just like every other wide eyed hopeful hero did when they were given such an opportunity.

It was a big deal after all, being recognized by one of the top heroes in Japan. Anyone would be completely honored to be in that position.

Although what they received was complete and utter silence, the blonde haired girl remaining silent as she crossed her arms over her chest with a heavy frown, almost like she was uncomfortable to be among all of these people.

Well, that certainly wasn't the response everyone was expecting in the slightest, their eyes turned down in annoyance as Hawks elbowed his sister in the side not so secretly, knowing the atmosphere was getting worse by the second.

Feeling the slight jab, Hikari quickly got the memo before sighing a loud heavy breath, almost like it was the absolute burden to give him what he wanted. "Hi."

And even though it was the bare minimum, Hawks kept up the happy facade, giving a fake laugh through the awkward air before trying something else. "Ah, don't worry about her. She's just a little nervous. Hey, why don't you tell them a little about yourself, kid?"

Giving her a look of encouragement, the bird's eyes grew hopeful once again as soon as he saw Hikari open her mouth. There you go sis, break out of your shell, you can do it.

Also that's when she responded, just as plain and uninterested as before. "I don't want to be here."

Widening his eyes at her blunt wording, Hawks immediately felt himself give another forced laugh before elbowing Hikari in the side once more, except this time it was far harder. "Ha ha ha wow! Isn't she a comedian this one? Ah, I think that's enough for today! Carry one everyone.."

Then he quickly grabbed onto his sister arm before pulling her away from the very confused and slightly annoyed sidekicks in order for her to not say anything else stupid.

This was going to be a whole lot harder than he thought.

Once they were away from the group, Hawks shook his head in exasperation with a frown. "What are you doing?"

Although Hikari only turned her head to the side in fake innocence, knowing fully well that she had pissed him off and taking great pleasure from it. "What?"

Hawks seemed to pick on this as well though, his throat giving a frustrated groan as the two turned the corner together a moment later. "You couldn't have tried to be a little more enthusiastic back there?"

At that, Hikai's eyes seemed to blink to a newfound realization before allowing her voice to coat itself in an overwhelming amount of sickenly sweet pasion."Oh you're right, let me try that again for you."

Then, the hero watched as she took one step forward, blocking his pathway before speaking comically loud, so much so that everyone in the surrounding area couldn't help but listen.

"Oh, I am so honored that the great and powerful Hawks has allowed me to stay by his side and breathe his air! I am truly unworthy to be in such a presence for even a mere minute, neither mind as a sidekick! Ah, my life is truly blessed today!"

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