Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested

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Yawning in the process, Hikari stepped out from her room before the rumble of her stomach coaxed her over the fridge as she pulled a carton of milk followed by a box of cereal in the cabinet.

She still wasn't used to having food at her disposal any time of the day, the girl mainly surviving off the scraps and leftovers that she happened to find.

If she was lucky, Hikari would be able to be extra fancy and get something at the convenience store so having food any time she wanted was still such a luxurious feeling.

So much so, that her smile didn't even drop when Hawks moved past her a moment later. "Good morning Hika-chan. Did you sleep well?"

Recalling back to the pleads and apologies that filled her ears last night from that low life thug only made the girl laugh to herself before pouring the milk into her drink. Serves him right for making her ask again.

"Yes, I would say so. What about you Kei-chan?"

Hikari then watched as he placed two fingers up to his head before muttering back half heartedly. "Of course. How can I sleep poorly when I have such a cute little sister across the hall that makes my day a little brighter?"

His words almost made her want to vomit the non existent breakfast she was making before noticing the empty bottle of alcohol in the trash next to her. He was such a liar and it was so plainly obvious to tell.

And it wasn't like she cared or anything but she supposed she was just curious, turning her head towards the empty bottle silently. I could care less what you do Kei but you are starting to look like our dear old dad these days.

"Do you always drink like that? I couldn't help but notice the bottle."

Almost immediately, Hawks eyes hallowed with newfound shame as his sister clearly saw the clouded over look of pure anxiety in his eyes, the one that was so honest, the one that he always tried to hide from her.

"Ah, not really. Things have just been really stressful lately."

Hikari's ears perked up at that. No, not because she actually felt bad for her commission simping, hero chasing brother, cause screw that.

But rather because this was the perfect opportunity to bat her pretty little eyes and make him spill something about his mission.

Pushing herself closer, the girl purposely saddened her eyes before turning her head innocently, recalling Hawks' precious words and throwing them back at him to seem sympathetic.

"You know, just like me, you're not alone anymore Kei-chan, you can tell me what's bothering you."

And oh god did her voice sound so weak and pathetic, so much so that Hikari had to twist her lips together in order not to crack her perfectly fake tone.

Come on Kei, tell me what you're up to so I can leave.

She watched his reactions, anything that would give her the slightest hint or clue to what he was working on, the girl catching his surprised expression before leaning forward to hang on his every word.

And for Hawks, the minute he heard those words the first thing he wanted to do was cry and tell his little sister everything that was burdening him the last couple months. She seemed so warm, so comforting and the boy desperately wished to just fall apart right then and there.

But then reality slammed into him a second later, knowing fully well that Hikari would look at him differently after such things, that she would call him a monster.

"I wish I could Hikari but this mission, it's really important."

Resisting the urge to frown, his sister replied back sweetly. "But Kei-chan you're my big brother right? You shouldn't hide anything that makes you sad. It's okay, I'll understand.."

Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα