Look Who's a Double Agent Now

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As Hikari held her shaking body together with her arms, the girl forced herself to look down from the pitch darkness in order to hide herself away as always. She didn't want to see it. No, she didn't what to realize that she was alone in her own madness.

The air grew colder and colder as the girl continued to hide away from the world, only knowing the empty walls of Riku's compound and drowning in them as she did every other day.

Yet, that's when she felt someone tap her on her left shoulder, Hikari blinking in confusion before burying her head further into herself. No, she had to be imaging it, there was no one else here. There never was.

That was until she felt it again, a small nudge in her direction as she finally found the courage to push her head upwards to stare, knowing she'd only find that very same darkness as before.

Although, when she finally looked up, Hikari found someone standing in front of her, his very familiar golden gaze staring down with such warmth as he smiled. "Hika-chan."

It took a moment to process as she quickly turned her head all the way around only to find nothing else except the two of them in that wide infinite space. Wait, why was her brother here? He abandoned her, he left her so long ago.

Narrowing her eyes in confusion, Hikari felt herself turn her head to the side in confusion before finding the courage to reply. "Keigo? What are you.."

Keigo seemed to sense her hesitation though, twisting her lips up into a warm inviting smile before lifting an outstretched hand down to her calmly. "You can relax now, you don't have to carry everything alone anymore."

His words crashed into her all at once, Hikari widening her eyes before an unexpected weight seemed to lift off her shoulders. Everything she had ever wanted, everything she had dreamed of, had it finally happened?

Had her brother finally come to save her after so long, had he kept his promise about them staying together? No, it was impossible, Hikari had given up on that dream for so long. Her big brother was dead, he no longer existed.

That's what she always told herself, knowing that the harsh reality always seemed to keep her grounded even with the tiniest bit of hope. She just couldn't take another heartbreak, another betrayal, another lie, for surely it would destroy her in the end.

For as strong as she claimed to be, Hikari knew her weak heart still lingered somewhere in her chest, that she was just as foolish and hopeful as she was six years ago. She couldn't let that happen, not again.

Yet the longer she looked at his outstretched hand, the longer Hikari seemed to cave in on herself, the girl slowly unwrapping her hands from her tightly wound body before allowing air to pool into her lungs.

Could she really relax? After everything, after so much pain and hurt, could she finally have her big brother back? The idea was overwhelming, so much so that tears started to cover her vision a moment later.

She pictured herself back on her first day of training, on the day she called out for her brother and yet was told she was abandoned instead. She could still remember it, the cold cruel look in Riku's eyes when he told her Keigo was never coming back.

Yet, even still her voice began to ring with a newfound hope, the small words just barely audible in the overwhelming darkness. "K-Kei-chan? "Y-You're finally here? You found me..?"

Although unlike back then, Keigo only seemed to smile wider as Hikari's shaking palm touched him in the next moment as a newfound realization seemed to crash into her.

He was here, at last, her brother was here.

Feeling herself start to fall apart at the seams, the tears grew even heavier as Keigo lifted his sister off of the dirty cement floor with that same encouragement she had always longed for. "I'm right here, Hikari. I'm not going anywhere."

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