A Villain's Perspective

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As the morning rays shone across Dabi's face, the villain grumbled before roughly shoving a nearby pillow over his head. His head pounded with hateful distain and with every breath, causing the man to roll onto his back with a pained groan.

Yet that's when the man seemed to bring himself back to reality, not recognizing the smell and immediately sitting up, something he regretted as soon as he did it. Fuck, my head. I guess I really was pretty far gone last night.

Blinking at his surroundings, Dabi then began to make sense of the situation, recognizing the old rusted space with ease, carefully eyeing a stack of black jackets and pants in the corner. Ah crap, he knew this place anywhere, this was Hikari's.

The villain felt his head sting once more, groaning at the bright lights before turning his head around only to find that the blonde haired girl was nowhere to be seen. His memory from last night was pretty blurry also, Dabi only recalling bits of pieces and not how he got there in the first place.

Looking down, the man then realized that he was indeed shirtless, the purple scars of his skin ever apparent as the villain frowned. Wait, where is my shirt? That bird didn't rob me, did she?

Yet that's when he looked to his left only to find his usual black villain jacket and white shirt folded on the small table next to the bed, along with a bottle of water and two plastic wrapped flavors of bread.

Groaning as he leaned forward, Dabi then reached forward towards the objects when a small card fell onto the desk, the villain narrowing his eyes before recognizing Hikari's large bubble lettered writing.

How's that hangover? Bet it's nasty.

Since you were pretty passed out I took the chance to wash your clothes since we both know you haven't done that in a while.

Good luck on your recovery.

Running a singular finger over the handwritten letter, the man then looked back at the gifts before throwing the card back on the table. She was still such an idiot, taking care of him like this. He didn't ask for that.

Wasn't she still pissed at him? What changed then?

Yet that's when everything seemed to click inside Dabi's brain, the man's memories rushing back to him in a single instant. All the things he thought, all the things he said, all the things he did last night, they all flooded back, causing him to lose every bit of color in his face. You didn't, please tell me you didn't Dabi..you didn't just...fuck..I'm screwed....

What was wrong with him, acting like such a goddamn idiot, being so open like that?! It was like everything he had ever worked for suddenly disappeared last night, letting his weak heart take over as he begged Hikari not to leave him. How pathetic.

Even after he tried so hard to keep his distance, even if he purposely sabotaged their relationship to make the blow easier, even if he claimed in his mind that she was nothing, none of that meant anything anymore now that he caved like a little bitch.

Now that she knew how he felt, it was impossible to detach himself.

He would end up hurting her even more in the end now, that was certain.

For as foolish as his actual feelings were, Dabi knew that in the back of his mind none of that mattered, not when he had a job to do, a plan to finish that was already so far out of his control that it was impossible to stop.

Putting his head in his hands, Dabi rubbed his stitched fingers across his ever tired eyes before groaning to himself with seven years of riddled guilt and shame. It was too late to stop though, not when he was so close to getting what he wanted, to what he worked for.

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