You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me

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Gasping up from the mattress immediately, Hikari's shaking hands immediately found her erratic heart and closed her eyes with overwhelming nausea before looking around the dark unrecognizable space.

Ah, that's right. She was still in the liberation mansion. Gross.

She then forced herself to take another shaky breath before finally letting her hand fall onto the bed with a light thud. What was with these nightmares? It was becoming an everyday thing now and she hated it.

Although this time they weren't about Riku or her past. No, they were all about Dabi, about the person he was before and about the consequences to the dangerous game she was currently playing with her brother.

And for some sick reason, every single one of them ended with Keigo dying in some way or another.

Hikari twisted her brow at the memory before running a couple shaking fingers through her hair. What even was this, some kind of fucked up premonition? She sure hoped not.

Yes, she knew that Dabi wanted to kill Kei, that much was obvious. Yet, he never seemed to tell her why. Perhaps it was some sort of hero vendetta? That had to be it, that's why he always seemed to reject her question whenever she asked.

It was true, by "saving" her brother that meant going against the man she loved but Hikari still couldn't help but be rather disheartened by it. Hiding this from him, she felt dirty because of it.

How funny, right? That man had screwed her over more times then she could count and she was the one that felt bad about lying to him? Maybe Kei was right after all, maybe this whole thing was toxic.

Because no matter how many times she tried, Hikari just couldn't forget him.

Even now, she found herself pushing one of her legs to her chest with a lonely sense of longing. She hadn't seen him in two days and yet it still felt like forever.

Before she could even stop herself, Hikari then felt herself grab her phone off of the desk before flipping open the surface and finding Dabi's number across the screen, her finger dancing over the call button with unknown anxiety. Crap, I miss him. I want to see him.

It stayed in that same exact spot for what seemed like forever, her finger growing numb from the weightlessness before Hikari finally gave up in order to shut the surface a moment later. She was being stupid, he probably wouldn't even answer or care if she called.

Yet before she could do so, she paused, noticing the tiny date in the upper corner of the screen, a date that made her heart drop inside her chest all at once.

That's why she was acting so weird and clingy and pathetic all of a sudden.

It was because it was the worst day of the year, the anniversary of Touya's death.

A day that Hikari tried not to think about, a day that she always seemed to feel like an absolute clingy bitch on. It was the day Todoroki Touya tried to take his own life three years ago.

Flashing back to the day she heard the news, the girl felt her hands start to shake. That was one of the worst days of her life, having to process the fact that her best friend had killed himself and she didn't do anything to stop it.

She didn't even find out until a couple days after.

That was something she'd never forgive herself for, not being about to help him when he needed it most. It turned out all of those cute little words of encouragement and rooftops chats didn't really do anything in the end.

Funny right? She was so stupid back then, thinking she was helping.

And then there was that fight, the last time she ever saw Todoroki Touya.

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