The Weakness In The Word "Friend"

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Six Years Ago

Hikari: Age 13

Three Months After the Commission Attack

As Touya ascended the steps to the abandoned building in order to get to the roof, his mind was just as clouded as ever. He had decided a couple of hours ago to go on one of his "missing" ventures in hopes that his father, brother or sister, anyone would notice and care about him.

It had been over twelve hours since he was scheduled to be home and the boy had yet to receive any sort of call or text from his phone in a moment of panic.

But that was okay, maybe today was the day.

Maybe his phone would light up in the next second with pure worry that he was kidnapped or dead, maybe his father would come bursting through the old doors of his agency in order to bring him back, maybe this time it would be different.

Although the boy wasn't stupid and given the patterns, even Touya knew that it probably wasn't going to be different, that they were all two busy with their own lives to ever notice his. He could've been hurt and kidnapped and still they wouldn't have cared.

But he didn't even want to think of that possibility, the reality far too much to handle for his already aching soul. So instead, he remained hopeful, that something might change for once.

Realizing he'd already reached the top step, his cerulean gaze moved down towards the handle before feeling the soft breeze immediately hit him in the face. At least he'd be alone here.

Yet that's when he saw a very familiar pair of deformed red wings from just a few feet away, her face crinkled up in the opposite direction as she leaned forward over the rail. Hold on, why was she here?

Taking a step inside the space, Hikari's feathers immediately twitched at the sensation before the girl flitched into herself, pushing herself off the railing in order to turn around with fear. "W-Who's there?"

Their gaze met a second later, Touya realizing that the girl's eyes were filled with heavy tears, brimming off the sides as she spoke. Hold on, she was crying? Was that why she was leaning against the railing like that?

A small bit of silence appeared then, the white haired teenager choosing to ignore the tears as they seemed to make her uncomfortable and only focusing on the situation at hand instead. "What are you doing here?"

Sniffling at his question, Hikari seemed to notice her tears before wiping them away with dirt covered hands before trying to compose herself infront of him. "S-Sorry, you said I could use this place if I wanted to...b-break...again. But, I understand if you changed your mind. Who am I kidding, of course you probably changed your mind. Sorry, I'll go..."

Already trying to leave, Touya put the pieces together a moment later, remembering his conversation with the girl about a week ago. That's right, he did say she could come here, didn't he?

Why did he even do that? Now that meant having to deal with her annoying sniffling self more often. How irritating. Him and his stupid weak heart.

Passing by him a moment later, the boy felt himself speak before he even had the chance to process it, hating the idea of sending her away after he gave his word like that.

"You don't have to leave, stupid. Stop being such a scaredy cat and just don't bother me."

Then all at once, Hikari watched as the white haired kid moved past her with a grunt before sitting down on the side of the wall with his eyes closed, almost like he was ignoring her on purpose and pretending she wasn't there.

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