The Truth Won't Always Set You Free

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As Hawks made his way towards the Todoroki household, the bird couldn't help but grow slightly anxious. Sure, he had met Endeavor a bunch of times but the other kids? Now that was something that the man was slightly afraid of.

Shoto didn't seem as bothered though, simply moving three steps in front of the bird at all times. So much so that Hawks couldn't help but grow a slight sense of deja vu from the action as he recalled a very similar white haired boy doing the same many years ago.

Even his voice, it was always engraved in the back of his head, haunting him for the rest of his life. "Come on stupid piegon, hurry up or I'm gonna leave you"

Grimacing at the memory, the bird quickly shook it away before looking down at his hand in sadness. So much has changed since then. They had both changed since then. If only he could just go back and fix everything, then Touya wouldn't have turned out like this.

Just another mistake he had caused by merely existing.

Feeling himself bump into Shoto a moment later, Hawks quickly snapped out of his own depression to find that the boy had stopped moving completely. Well, a little warning would've been nice. "Whoa, what's with the sudden pause?"

He only turned before silently pointing at the house estate behind him with a simple reply. "We're here."

Just then, the gates to the lavish mansion opened up as the bird took an uncertain step inside. Whoa, this place was insanely large, and growing up from the poorest part of Kyushu, it was definitely quite a culture shock for the poor bird.So this was where Touya grew up.

Soon he found himself in the grand entryway as Shoto simply closed the door behind him as if this was nothing all that special to behold. But Hawks couldn't help but think differently, practically gawking over every last detail.

He may have been the number two hero but the man had only ever seen things that the commission had paid for, like his apartment or his tiny windowless room at the base. His cage was never that grand. The president seemed to make sure of that.

Suddenly, a slew of voices echoed to his right, causing the man to internally flinch as two white haired individuals appeared out of nowhere, eyeing the bird with curiosity.

After a moment they seemed to realize their staring before the woman perked up with a small smile. "Oh? Hello, you must be Hawks. It's nice to meet you. I'm Fuyumi and this is my brother Natsuo."

Throwing up his signature mask, the blonde haired hero forced a toothy grin up to his lips in order to reply. The last he wanted was for these kids to think he was weak. "That's me. And you must be the Todoroki kids. Nice to meetcha."

Hawks then gave an awkward laugh only to realize that Natsuo seemed to be strangely quiet in response, the white haired man only choosing to stare at the bird instead of giving him a normal answer.

So much so, that the hero started to feel slightly self conscious about the actions, forcing his body to turn away from them so that they couldn't stare at his wingless back or the thick bandages that lined his arms and chest. They must be disappointed to see him like this.

Yet that's when Fuyumi frowned before elbowing her little brother in the ribs in order to break him out of whatever trance he was in. "Natsu, say something."

Blinking in surprise, Natsuo finally tore his eyes away from Hawks before shamefully pushing them towards the ground in embarrassment. "Ah, sorry it's look just like her. I can't believe I never noticed it before.."

Not understanding, Hawks frowned. "Like who?"

Fiddling with his fingers, the white haired Todoroki seemed rather ashamed as his voice barely went before a whisper. "Your sister."

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