Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


After we finished eating we went to a shoe store. I let Lilly find some shoes and try them. I sat down and watched her. She looked tired. Hadn't she sleeping last night? Was something bothering her? Maybe I shouldn't force her to the party tonight. Maybe I should ask her if she wanted to go? Like a date? Maybe she would come anyway and she wouldn't hate me that much?

“Lilly?” She turned around to look at me and dropped the shoes she was holding. “Yeah?” Ask her. “Do you wanna go to that party tonight?” She looked confused. “Didn't you say I had to go?” Dammit Daniel. “Yeah I did. But I'm asking you if you want to go with me.” She sat there watching me for a while.

“Will you be acting like a jerk or a gentleman?” I smirked at her. “Whatever you like sweetheart.” She rolled her eyes. “Please come.” Please? I never said please. But I've said it to Lilly today. And not just now. What's wrong with me?

She looked confused about the 'please' too. “I don't know Daniel..” She bit her lip. “Please..” There it was again. “Please come Lilly.” She sighed and nodded. “Fine. I'll go.” I couldn't help but smile. She smiled back at me.

She tried some more shoes. Black. Red. Blue. Silver. Gold. There were so many colors and shapes. She ended up looking with drawl on her chin at six pairs. She looked at them like they were food and she'd been starving for a week.

“Take them.” She looked up at me. “But Daniel-” I shook my head and held my hands up. “Take them. I'll pay.” She looked like she was in a fight with herself inside her head. “I don't need them.” She said and looked down at them like kids look at candy. “Yes you do. Take them Lilly.” She sighed and tilted her head looking at me. “I can't let you pay for them.”

I smiled at her and sat down beside her. “Lilly sweetheart. I've got billions of dollars. This is nothing to me. Please take them.” Stop saying please Daniel! “Aresure?” I nodded. I took the shoes and went up to pay for them. She just sat there. Looking at me. What is she thinking right now?


“Lilly sweetheart. I've got billions of dollars. This is nothing to me. Please take them.” He said it again. Please. “Are you sure?” He nodded. He took the shoes and got up to pay for them. Why are he doing this? Is it just because he don't want his 'girlfriend' to walk around in ugly clothes and shoes. I doubted that.

He kept on looking back at me. What is he thinking right now? Did I look weird? Did I have something in my face? What are you looking at Daniel?.. Maybe he was just checking to see if I had run away. Like I would run away from him. I mean, I owe him seven million dollars.

When he had paid for them he gave me the bags and took the clothes bags. Then he took my hand again. I was getting used to have his hand in mine. It comforted me in some way. That scared me a little. But I didn't let go.

Some people took pictures of us. At first I was shocked. Why are they taking pictures of me? Then I remembered I was walking hand in hand with Daniel Black. I looked up at him. He just smiled down at me. He was used to this. I wasn't.

“Are you okay?” I nodded. “I'm just not used to so many people taking pictures of me.” I mumbled and looked around. “Then tonight will properly be quit hard for you.” I frowned and looked up at him. “Why?” He shrugged. “The press will be there.” I swallowed. Hard.

“The.. press?” Oh shit. “Yeah. They'll be there tonight.” No, no, no, no.. “Why?” People kept on taking pictures of us. “Because they always show up.” He sounded tired. I could understand that. I'm already getting tired of it. “Will they be at the party?” He shook his head. “They will be standing outside trying to get in.” Desperate much? “Can't we avoid them?” He shook his head. “We're not going to avoid them tonight. We're gonna make sure everyone know that we're dating.” Everyone. I needed to talk to the boys.

“Are we done for the day?” I asked and looked up at him. “I guess. You want me to drive you home?” I nodded. “If you want to.” He smiled. “I want to.” He want to. “Thanks.” He's just gonna drive you home Lilly. Keep it together. “You're welcome love.” Love.

We were going towards the car when I suddenly stopped. “What's wrong?” Daniel said and stopped too. It was so beautiful.. “What are you looking-” He looked too. It was a silver chain with a little diamond as pendent. It was so simple and beautiful at the same time.

“You like it?” He asked and looked from me to the necklace. “Yeah. It's.. pretty.” I mumbled and couldn't stop staring at it. He kept on staring at me. I shrugged and started walking again. “Lets go.” I said and pulled him with me. He started walking too.

We got to the car. Daniel put the bags on the backseat and opened my door for me. I sat inside and put on my seat belt. Daniel sat at the driver seat, put on his seat belt too and started the car. “I live at-” He held up his hand. “I know where you live.” He knew where I lived? “How?” I asked and frowned at him. “You work for me. I know stuff about you.” Stuff? “Like what?” I asked pretty curious about what he knew.

“I know your full name is Lilly Caine.” I scoffed. “Everybody knows that. Something else.” He eyed me. “I know you're clumsy.” He smirked at me and then looked back at the road. “No I'm not.” He started laughing. “Of course not.” I rolled my eyes at him. “You're jerk.” I mumbled and crossed my arms across my chest.

“Wear the red dress tonight. And one of the shoes you got today. Wear your hair up. Don't wear any jewelery. Except. Do you have some plain diamond earrings?” Someone is being a little bossy.. “No I don't.” I answered and looked out the window. “I'll get you some.” I shook my head. “You don't have to.” You already gave me too much stuff. “I want to. And I'm going to.” End of discussion. As always he got the last word in these kind of discussion. Dammit.


“I'll get you some.” She shook her head. “You don't have to.” She bit her lip while looking out the window. “I want to. And I'm going too.” She didn't talk back. She just kept on looking out the window. I looked back at the road. We sat there in silence.

I reached her house and pulled into the side. “Here we are.” She nodded and put her hand on the car door. She pushed it open before I could open it for her. I walked out and opened the car doors to the backseat. I took the bags and went to her side of the car.

“I'll take them.” She said and reached for them. “Don't worry. I got them.” She let her arms fall down her sides and walked toward her house. I walked up beside her. She glanced at me. When I looked at her she looked the other way.

We reached the door. She opened it and walked in. She held it and let me walk in. I put down the bags and looked around. It looked.. cozy. Lilly just stood there with crossed arms and looked up at me. I smirked down at her.

“What?” She shrugged. “Nothing. Bye.” She pushed me toward the door. “Why the rush? Am I really that much of a jerk?” I asked and chuckled. “Just get out.” She kept on pushing me. “What's wrong?” I asked and stopped. “Nothing. See you later.”

A door opened. “Lilly sweety? Is that you?” A woman called from somewhere in the house. Out. Lilly mouthed. Why? I mouthed back. “Lilly?” A woman appeared in the hallway. Her eyes widened when she saw me. “Who's that?” She asked and looked at me. “Aunt Mary, this Daniel.. my um..” I extended my hand to Lilly's aunt. “Daniel. Daniel Black. Lilly's boyfriend.”

Ohhh 'Lilly's boyfriend'! What will Aunt Mary say about this? 

Xoxo XxlifestuffxX

The Love DealOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora